New Prose Book: Dark Avengers: The Patriot List
In the upcoming Marvel prose novel Dark Avengers: The Patriot List by David Guymer, readers will discover what happens when Norman Osborn takes it upon himself to remake Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in his own image! The newest entry in the Marvel Untold line from Aconyte Books, this novel will be arriving on October 5th, 2021.

Photo: Marvel
Sadly, in spite of scouring several websites, I was not able to find the cover artist for this upcoming novel, so if you know who created this awesome art, let us know in the comment section, Marvel Blog True Believers!
Dark Avengers
Marvel Blog True Believers are already familiar with the Dark Avengers, Norman Osborn’s version of everyone’s favorite superhero team. In this novel, S.H.I.E.L.D. loyalists have broken into Avengers Tower and secured evidence that could compromise the authority of Osborn’s team of supervillains… and they’ll stop at nothing to get it back!

Photo: IGN Espana
Actually, in the comics, I’m pretty sure this espionage was completed by none other than the Merc with a Mouth himself, Deadpool! It seems he had a bone to pick with Osborn after the prototypical tech bro failed to compensate the chimichanga-loving mercenary for his role in defeating the Secret Invasion of the Skrulls. Remember, kids: always pay your private contractors! – Continuity Kap

Dark Avengers #9 by Brian Michael Bendis, Rain Beredo, Mike Deodato, and Cory Petit. Photo: Marvel Comics
Naturally, Osborn – who you may also know as “The Green Goblin” – isn’t about to let whoever stole his information get away with it, and he unleashes the full might of his team in order to retrieve the stolen data.

Photo: Sony Pictures/Gif Maker
Dark Avengers: The Patriot List will be released in e-book, trade paperback, and audiobook formats, and will be available wherever books are sold this autumn.
The Patriot List in Autumn
Will you be picking up Dark Avengers: The Patriot List when it arrives at your local bookstore on October 5th? What about the other novels from Aconyte Books, like Triptych? Let us know what you think in the comment section, Marvel Blog True Believers!