Spider-Man 3 Toys Confirm [SPOILER]
The first round of toys for Marvel Studios’ Spider-Man 3: No Way Home, the third movie in the Tom Holland headlined Spider-Man trilogy, have confirmed some spoiler-riffic information about the impending big-screen blockbuster! If you want to go into No Way Home with no spoilers, you will want to get your web-shooters ready and swing away from Marvel Blog right now.
If you aren’t adverse to some mild spoilers, Marvel Blog True Believers, then buckle up: things are starting to look mighty connected here in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! And thanks to Taimur Dar over at The Beat for bringing these toys to our attention. They’re swinging into shops near you soon!
Funko Pops Out!
Perhaps the biggest piece of information confirmed by these toys is that Doctor turned Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) will indeed be appearing in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Not only that, but… he has a shovel?

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – Doctor Strange. Photo: Marvel

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – Doctor Strange. Photo: Marvel
We’re not sure what this means, Marvel Blog True Believers. Are we exhuming a grave? Was that zombie Iron Man in Far From Home foreshadowing? Does this have something to do with the shovel we saw in 19th century Oklahoma in the first episode of Loki on Disney+? Start speculating now!

Someone get that shovel to Dr. Strange! Photo: Buzzfeed
In addition to the reveal of the Doctor Strange Funko Pop!, the most recent toy release also includes a look at both Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon) and MJ (Zendaya) in No Way Home. And while these Pops! are absolutely adorable, nothing can be cuter than the fact that Holland and Zendaya found love on the set of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – MJ. Photo: Marvel

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – MJ. Photo: Marvel

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – Ned. Photo: Marvel

Spider-Man: No Way Home Funko – Ned. Photo: Marvel
New Universe, New Suit
In addition to the inclusion of Dr. Strange (not just in Funko form, but also in several LEGO sets, suggesting that Spidey, and MJ, will be paying a visit to 177A Bleeker Street). Dr. Strange’s inclusion in the set perhaps suggests that No Way Home may be more closely related to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness than was originally predicted!

Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop LEGO Set. Photo: Marvel
Plus, check out the awesome new outfit for Wong (Benedict Wong) in the LEGO mini-figures for the set, Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop LEGO Set, which will retail for $39.99.

Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop LEGO Set. Photo: Marvel
But beyond that, we also get to see several new suits for Spidey, including a black-and-gold outfit that looks even classier than the symbiote suit, and a costume that seems to suggest either new technology (perhaps from Strange instead of Stark), or new powers for the webslinger. And, we get to see a glimpse at the Sinister Six member, Vulture.

Spider-Man’s Drone Duel LEGO Set. Photo: Marvel

Spider-Man’s Drone Duel LEGO Set. Photo: Marvel
Spider-Man 3 Coming in December
We’ll have to wait until December 17th, 2021 to see how all of these Spider-pieces fit together for Spider-Man 3, but we’re already on the edge of our seats! What do you think, Marvel Blog True Believers? We’re waiting to hear from you! Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.