REVIEW: So Many Secrets in The Winter Guard #2
In The Winter Guard #2 by Ryan Cady, Jan Bazaldua, Federico Blee, and Ariana Maher, with a main cover by Toni Infante, we get to see more of the story from the perspective of the eponymous team, who is currently at odds with Red Guardian and Yelena Belova. But as we see another perspective from an amazing perspective (artistically speaking), the conflict between the two teams seems more like it shouldn’t be taking place at all!

The Winter Guard #2. Photo: Marvel Comics
Back in the USSR
This issue picks up where the last one left off, but with a perspective change: we open on the members of the Winter Guard, who are reeling after the disaster that rocked their team at the conclusion of the last issue.

The Winter Guard #2. Photo: Marvel Comics
Meanwhile, Alexei Shostakov and Yelena Belova are working their way towards their next goal.

Photo: Marvel Comics
And to help fight their battles, Yelena Belova gets a very cool idea from The Falcon, even if her knockoff wings aren’t as good as his, but gotta say my closet is full of knockoff clothes bought in Moscow (true fact), sooo… Check it out!

Black Widow wings. Photo: Marvel Comics
My favorite parts of this issue were the ones featuring Chernobog, a demonic entity who has to be talked out of eating the local villagers (don’t you love characters like that, Marvel Blog True Believers). He gets more than one opportunity to be creepy… but as his teammate Darkstar reminds him, the Winter Guard is there to help, so civilians can’t be snacks!

Photo: Marvel Comics
And my very favorite moment took place when Yelena Belova came face to face with Ursa Major!
Belova tells Ursa Major, “Whether we cheat or play fair, the monsters that run the world are the only real winners.” In other words, the people who Ursa Major and Belova answer to are not that different, whether they’re from the West or the East! Perhaps the two teams should be teaming up, not fighting one another?

Photo: Marvel Comics
The Winter Guard #2
Have you had a chance to pick up The Winter Guard #2, Marvel Blog True Believers? What did you think of this issue? Can you believe who we’ll get to see in next month’s entry?
We want to hear from you! Let us know what you’re thinking in the comment section.