RETRO REVIEW: Kate Kicks Butt in Hawkeye (2012) #9
In Hawkeye (2012) #9 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Matt Hollingsworth, and Chris Eliopoulos, we get the other part of the story that we followed in Hawkeye (2012) #8… and this time, there’s more Kate!

Kate on the cover. Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
In that issue, Penny showed up at Avengers Mansion and interrupted what appeared to be a dinner party where Clint Barton was spending time with Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Spider-Woman. While they had brief cameos in the previous issue, in this story, we get to find out just what their respective roles in the proceedings may be. But my favorite part of this issue is the role played by Kate Bishop.
“Girls” Starring Kate

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
One thing I have to say right off the bat is I wish the title had been “Women” rather than “Girls.” It’s “Women of Marvel,” not “Girls of Marvel,” after all, and the four females characters in this story are all adults!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This story explores how the four women’s lives intersect with Clint’s, and while it doesn’t quite pass the Bechdel test, it’s still an interesting issue.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
The character who gets the best part in this story is Kate. Not only do we get to see her cruising around on her cool, appropriately purple scooter, but we also get to see her kick the crap out of some of the Tracksuit Mafia guys, no sweat!

Kate: Kate. Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This issue also ends with a big twist that spells bad news for Grills, the character who we were introduced to in the Marvel Cinematic Universe adaptation in the second episode. If you were shocked at this murder taking place in the final panels, don’t worry: it will be more fully explored in the next few issues!
Hawkeye (2012) #9
If you have a subscription to Marvel Unlimited, you can read this issue now! On top of that, the letters page is included, so you can see this issue’s playlist by both Aja and Fraction:

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
Did you get a chance to read this issue? What did you think? Let us know in the comment section.