REVIEW: Such a good time in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #2
In Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #2 by Marieke Nijkamp, Oren Junior, Enid Balám, Brittany Peer, Cris Peter, and Joe Caramagna, with a main cover by Jahnoy Lindsay, Kate just might be in over her head… and everyone said Resort Chapiteau was supposed to be such a good time!
Such a Good Time

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
That’s what the brochures said, Marvel Blog True Believers: Resort Chapiteau is such a good time! It turns out, no so much, as Kate is learning first hand!

Note the reflection. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
First, though, shout-out to the recap page, which cleverly catches us up on the action by letting us peek in on an ongoing text conversation between Kate, Cassie Lang, and America Chavez.
I really enjoyed this issue a lot! It had a full, self-contained mystery arc, which was awesome, while adding some extra intrigue about the overarching mystery, as well. Whatever’s going on at Resort Chapiteau, when they said it would be such a good time, this is not what Kate had in mind!

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
I liked the tricks that were played with labels and multiple-choice narrative boxes throughout this issue, continuing traditions begun in the 2012 and 2016 Hawkeye runs…
Plus, I liked the way Kate kept making a mental note to remind Clint how much she hates the circus, which reminded me of one of my favorite issues of the 2012 run!

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
While I wasn’t sure about the inclusion of Kate’s sister in the first issue, it seems like she will be playing more of a supporting role (unless she’s behind some of the shenanigans at Resort Chapiteau, but we’ll find out in the next issue… I guess I’m hooked, Marvel Blog True Believers).
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Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
Have you had a chance to pick up a copy of Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #2 from your Local Comic Shop yet, Marvel Blog True Believers? We want to hear from you if so! Let us know what you’re thinking in the comment section.