ONLINE OPP: Marvel by Design Panel!
Are you interested in attending an online panel that features some of the Marvelous creators who contributed to the exquisit Marvel by Design book that was recently released? On Thursday, January 27th, 2022 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM Eastern Time, The Cooper Union is hosting an online featuring Chris Eliopoulos, Cooper Union School of Art Dean Mike Essl, and Paul Sahre, all moderated by editor Liz Stinson!
Marvel by Design Panel
First things first, Marvel Blog True Believers: if you want to attend this free online panel, you do need to register in advance! You can do that at this link. All that is required is your first and last name and your email address, and note that the panel itself will take place on Zoom.

Photo: Avery Kaplan.
The panel celebrates Marvel by Design, the recently released book from Gestalten (you may remember that we included the special edition of this book on one of 2021’s gift guides, Marvel Blog True Believers).

Photo: Avery Kaplan.
Each of the panelists contributed to Marvel by Design, writing essays that better explain some of the philosophies and strategies that inform the design of the Marvel Comics multiverse.

Photo: Avery Kaplan.
These essays help you better understand the fundamental building blocks of design for Marvel Comics, including the role of logos, lettering, and covers.

Photo: Avery Kaplan.
As a huge fan of this breathtaking book, I am especially excited to see some of the creators who contributed share further insights into their expertise regarding the design behind the mighty Marvel Comics multiverse!
On Zoom Thursday Next

Photo: Avery Kaplan.
Will you be attending the online panel next Thursday at Zoom, Marvel Blog True Believers? If so, I’ll see you there! And if you haven’t had the chance to get your hands on Marvel by Design yet, know that this book is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to better understand the fabric of the Marvel Comics multiverse!