Fan Expectations Leave ‘Morbius’ Destined to Under-Perform
The surge in popularity of comic book films, and the adoration that the massive fanbase has for the character of Spider-Man have foreshadowed a terrible future for Sony’s insistence on building its own Spider-Verse; as fan expectations leave Morbius destined to under-perform.
It has, perhaps, never been clearer as to who reigns supreme as the most beloved comic book creation of all time.

Source: Marvel Studios
Spider-Man: No Way Home was not simply a success, it is one of the most successful films that has ever been released; despite the outside forces working against it, the latest installment of the MCUs Spider-Man saga has surpassed all expectations.
Bringing together three-generation of Peter Parker, and celebrating the character’s 20-year existence on the big screen had all culminated into a cultural event that honored the passionate fandom of the most iconic comic book character ever created.

Source: Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios and Sony collaborated to create a film that told one of the greatest Peter Parker stories that the film medium had ever seen, and truly did right by the tremendous legacy of the character and the selfless heroism that has defined his existence since his earliest stories.
Yet, what has clearly been a blessing for Marvel, and Sony, is seemingly the greatest challenge facing Sony’s desire to separate from the undeniable and unprecedented success of the MCU, as fan expectations leave Morbius destined to under-perform.

Source: Marvel
Sony began the pursuit of their very own cinematic universe inspired by Spider-Man characters with Venom; a film that was fairly well-received, and successful at the box office.
This then carried over to the subsequent Venom: Let There be Carnage, which was nowhere near as successful as its predecessor, but still worked in exploring the lore of the symbiotic anti-hero.

Venom 2. Photo: Sony Pictures
Then there was Spider-Man: No Way Home; a film that brought together three Spider-Man actors and ignited the fandom’s adoration for each of these various performers, prompting many to wish on a day in which Sony brought their Venom to face off against our Spider-Man.
Yet, Marvel and Sony are not the same, as a matter of fact, they are not even fit to be compared.

Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage. Photo: Sony Pictures
Marvel has been consistently crafting stories that are among the best in the industry for well over a decade, and Sony has consistently shown they falter under the weight of adapting the iconic character and his plethora of villains.
It is this reality that will ultimately doom Morbius, a film whose early reactions indicate that Sony’s developing Spider-Man film universe will be doomed without the magic touch of Marvel’s interpretation of the character.

Photo: Sony Pictures
We can only wait and see what Sony can get out of the Jared Leto starring vampire film, but one thing is certain; fans cannot boast the high expectations for Morbius that are seemingly destined to force it to fail.