No Way Home Marvel Legends 3-Pack Available for Pre-Order!
Spider-Man: No Way Home took audiences on an amazing journey last year following the loss of Peter Parker’s secret identity. Now a No Way Home Marvel Legends 3-Pack is announced featuring all 3 of the film’s Spider-man!
One of the highlights of the Spider-man: Now Way Home film was the closing act which brought back two former Spider-man actors, that of Tobey Maguire’s Spider-man and Andrew Garfield! Displaced by Dr. Strange’s spell, the two Peter Parker look to help Tom Holland’s Peter deal with the ramifications of the multiverse villains!

Source: Marvel/ Sony
The No Way Home Marvel Legend 3-pack features all three of the spider-men each in their own iconic suits. Tobey Maguire’s Spider-man dons his iconic suit from the 2002 film! Directed by Sam Raimi, the early 2000 Spider-man films captured the hearts of audiences through the iconic adaptation with stunningly complex villains.
Even today the argument persists on which film Spider-man film is the best with many pointing to Raimi’s Spiderman 1 or 2. The figure is a great replica of Maguire’s suit, looking identical to what was seen in the 2002 film. Unique to this figure is the silver webbing instead of the traditional black webbing that often adorns Spidey suits.

Source: Marvel/Hasbro
The Next Spider-man figure is that of Andrew Garfield’s 2012 The Amazing Spider-Man! Directed by Marc Webb and generally favored at the time of its release, Andrew Garfield crafted his unique Peter Parker who faced off against the Lizard.
Garfield’s Spidey suit is perhaps the closest to the traditional comic book rendition. Perhaps the most notable difference, that carries over to the figure, is the increased vibrancy of the blues and reds. Both Tom Holland and Tobey Maguire’s Spidey suits contained much more muted colors, especially of the blue tones.

Source: Marvel/Hasbro
Finally, Tom Holland’s Spider-man is the last figure. First appearing in Captain America: Civil War, Peter would help his idol and mentor Tony Stark against Captain America. Holland’s Spider-man was much more unique than the previous two in that he was heavily connected to Tony Stark and The Avengers, unlike his lone wolf variants.
Tom Holland’s Spidey suit is also perhaps the most eccentric and distinct when compared to the past suits. The suit features heavy gold undertones such as that on the emblem. Along with gauntlets on each arm, this is an attempt by the figure to show the tech that often accompanies Holland’s Spider suit.

Source: Hasbro/Marvel
The three figures are each 6-inches in height with massive amounts of articulation, allowing you to pose them in pretty much any way you wish. This amazing No Way Home Marvel Legends 3-pack is currently available for pre-order! However, the estimated shipping time for the figure won’t be till August 2023.
For the Spider-man collector, this 3-pack is a must-have! Further immortalizing the iconic moment of seeing all three Spider-man actors of the past two decades on the screen at once, these three figures are amazing and do the moment complete justice!