Let’s Talk about X-Men Episode 1-7
In the latest episode of X-Men ’97, we get…a treatise on the perils of political expediency. Yes, we’re gonna ruin Beast’s love life during a discussion about tolerance. So, let’s talk about X-Men ’97...
In the latest episode of X-Men ’97, we get…a treatise on the perils of political expediency. Yes, we’re gonna ruin Beast’s love life during a discussion about tolerance. So, let’s talk about X-Men ’97...
Last week proved AEW wrestler Lance Archer right. Everybody dies. This week, we’ll take a different approach, one that’s familiar territory for serial television viewers. Rather than explore the fallout of the Genosha terrorist...
So far this season, we’ve watched Magneto inherit the X-Mansion, Jean Grey be revealed as a clone, and Cyclops impregnate said clone. Also, we’ve watched Minister Sinister live up to his name by poisoning...
After an intense horror film-based episode last week, X-Men ’97 takes a different approach this time. The 1990s setting proves ideal for nostalgia, and the series leans hard into the premise with a 16-bit...
Okay, we’re only three episodes into the X-Men ’97 reboot, and we’re already entering soap opera territory. Yes, let’s talk about X-Men ’97 episode 1-3, the one with the clone war. Rise of the...
When is a Marvel hiring also a purpose pitch? I’ll provide the answer in the latest MarvelBlog News update! The Silver Surfer Casting Roughly nine months ago, rumors reached a crescendo about the impending...
When last we left our Mutant heroes, the X-Men had several consecutive misfortunes. First, the team learned that the Friends of Humanity had gained new, more potent weapons. Then, they noticed parts of a...
On September 20th, 1997, Henry Peter Gyrich attacked and critically injured Professor Charles Xavier. In the moments after Professor X seemingly died, his outer space empress and sometimes mistress, Lilandra arrived. The leader of...
A Marvel executive was unusually forthcoming this week. So, we just learned a lot about what’s happening behind the scenes. We’ll talk about which projects are on the frontburner and which ones may be...
This week: Marvel fires somebody else, and Venom gets its subtitle. You’ll want to read the latest edition of MarvelBlog News. Marvel Fires a Director before His Show Airs Just when we thought the...