Tagged: Thanos

Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power 0

You Can Be a Marvel Supervillain!

Ravensberger has introduced a new version of its wildly popular game. The new game, called Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power, allows players to take on the persona of one of Marvel’s supervillains! If you like board...

Marvel 2

History of the MCU Part Nine

After the groundbreaking success of Black Panther, Marvel officials faced a challenging problem. The next film on the release schedule, Avengers: Infinity War, would kill off many superheroes, including a few from Wakanda. After...

Infinity War 4

Infinity War Arrives on Disney+

Avengers: Infinity War is now available to stream on Disney+. Subscribers to Disney’s streaming service may now relive the events leading up to the end of the Infinity saga, Avengers: Endgame, at home. Disney+...

Marvel 1

Marvel’s Pull List: The Infinity Gauntlet

Need some fun content for tomorrow’s work from home schedule? The fine folks over at Marvel.com have your back (and, um, ears). Tucker Chet Markus and Ryan Penagos are starting a reading club. And...