As they prepare to make their Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) debut next year, the Fantastic Four celebrated Christmas by releasing a new poster for The Fantastic Four: First Steps. The retro-looking poster featured a...
Two urban explorers accidentally stumbled upon an abandoned set for Marvel Studios’ upcoming film The Fantastic Four: First Steps. According to a new report from the Daily Mail, two friends (who have chosen to...
Before Joseph Quinn agreed to suit up and join the Fantastic Four, the actor sought advice from his friend and Gladiator 2 co-star Pedro Pascal. Of course, Pascal would later sign on to join...
When The Fantastic Four: First Steps hits theaters next year, the film will not only mark the debut of the iconic superhero team in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it will also introduce the definitive...
As Natasha Lyonne prepares to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in next year’s The Fantastic Four: First Steps, her His Three Daughters co-star Elizabeth Olsen has complete confidence that that actress can handle...