Review: Where’s Boba Fett in STAR WARS #13
In the second issue in the Marvel Comics Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters event, Star Wars #13 by Charles Soule, Ramon Rosanas, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Clayton Cowles, with a cover by Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, and Rain Beredo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and their two loyal droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, are hot on the trail of Boba Fett. But what happens when the Kanjiklub catches up with them…?

Tell that to the Kanjiklub! Photo: Marvel Comics
Continuity, Thy Name is Star Wars
One aspect of Star Wars #13 that was enjoyable was the fact that you just can’t fake Soule’s level of involvement in the Marvel Comics’ Star Wars canon.
What do I mean by that? I mean that by page six of this issue, our heroes have already arrived at Nar Shadaa, the smuggler’s moon that will be known to fans of the current canon and the Legends canon alike, and Skywalker has name-checked Grakkus the Hutt, a character who will be familiar to fans who’ve been reading Soule’s Star Wars comics canon for the past few years (hint: see the Poe Dameron comic series, available to read now on the Marvel Unlimited app – Kontinuitykap).

Photo: Marvel Comics
And if that wasn’t enough to pique your interest, turn to page seven, where Sagwa comes into play!

Photo: Marvel Comics
Devotees of the Star Wars movies will immediately recognize Sagwa because he appeared in the 2018 movie Solo.

Sagwa’s entry in Solo: A Star Wars Story: The Official Guide (2018) written by Pablo Hidalgo.
Photo: Lucasfilm
In the Solo movie (which you can stream right now on Disney+… that’s right, this issue is very inter-textual), we saw a young Solo and younger Chewbacca free Sagwa from the spice mines on Kessel. Knowing this personal history exists between the characters makes it all the more special when Sagwa comes in to help our heroes track down and free Han Solo, who once helped free Sagwa.
Sagwa’s appearance gives this Prelude story some nice additional subtext within the larger Star Wars extended universe. And remember – this is only on page 7! It just gets better from there, and that’s not the last reference to Star Wars continuity (but hey, we have to leave some details to be uncovered by Rebel Intelligence).

The saga begins… Photo: Marvel Comics
Different Storylines; The Same Storyline
Another part of this issue that is extremely wizard is the way it hardly overlaps with the plot of the first issue, War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha. Instead, this issue shifts to an entirely different perspective for the entirety of its run… presumably, the pattern we’ll see play out over the course of the remain issues of the event.

Photo: Marvel Comics
We’ll be heading to our local comic shop to pick up the next issue in the narrative, Bounty Hunters #12, when it arrives on May 19th, 2021 – that’s the 22nd anniversary of the release of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, by the way – let us know if you will be too in the comment section!