LOKI 006: Secrets of the Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie
Welcome back to Loki Academy, Marvel Blog Untrue Believers! Today, we’ll be using a textbook that is a little difficult to procure these days so it may seem somewhat unconventional to you, Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie, but never fear, we’re here to unlock all it’s secrets!

Slipcase Cover of Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie. Photo: Amazon
This beautiful art book gives readers a glimpse behind the scenes of the many different creative processes which went into bringing Thor: Ragnarok (2017) to life on the big screen.
Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie
In Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie, written by Eleni Rossas, project managed by Alex Scharf, designed by Adam Del Re, and with cover art by Francisco Ruiz (after Jack Kirby), readers are given an all-access pass to behind-the-scenes of Thor: Ragnarok thanks to plenty of production art and quotations from the creators who worked on the movie.

Main Cover of Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie. Photo: Marvel
Reading between the panels, this includes some insight into the development of Loki’s character for this movie!
Loki’s Marvelous Odin Look
First and foremost, when Loki first appears in Ragnarok, he’s disguised as his father, Odin. However, Hawkeyed Marvel Cinematic Universe fans may have noticed that Odin’s costume looks a little different than usual.

Odin in Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie. Photo: Marvel
“Loki had his own view of how he would dress in that moment,” says costume designer Mayes C. Rubeo, explaining why Odin wasn’t in all gold, as he is usually portrayed in the MCU!
Loki’s Kirbyesque Costume Design
For Loki’s costume in Ragnarok, a conversation was had about whether Loki would dress more like an Asgardian or more like a resident of Sakaar. Eventually, they settled on a more traditional design for the outset, but with more Sakaarian elements working in as Loki became more closely aligned with the Grandmaster.

Photo: Marvel
According to concept artist Anthony Francisco, part of this process included paying homage to the King of Comics himself, as they ended up “using a lot of Jack Kirby’s shapes and colors.”

Thor: Ragnarok Loki Design Concepts. Photo: Marvel
Hmmm… What’s next for Loki’s costume?
Loki’s Keen Gear
And did you notice that Loki got a new helm in Ragnarok?
Francisco says in The Art of the Movie that it was inspired by the design he best remembered from his childhood comic reading, saying the helmet with the open top evokes the way the character looked when Francisco “was younger and going through the X-Men ‘Asgardian Wars’ comics.”

Photo: Marvel
Another element that was considered by the design team for the third Thor film were Loki’s knives.
In Ragnarok, rather than the fantasy-based daggers we saw Loki wield in previous movies, concept artist Jake Hempson, favored a different style, arriving at “something inspired by modern military knife design with a Kirby twist.”

Loki’s Knives Concept Design. Photo: Marvel
Loki’s New Looks
What new looks will Loki be sporting when he arrives on Disney+ on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021, for the first episode of Loki? Plus, what will those new looks have to say about his character development? We’re waiting to hear what you think, Marvel Blog True Believers!
Featured Image: Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok – The Art of the Movie