REVIEW: Crossing Lines in Doctor Aphra #14
In Doctor Aphra #14 by Alyssa Wong, Federico Sabbatini, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Caramagna, with a main cover by Sara Pichelli and Nolan Woodard, the many subplots that have been unfurling in this title over the course of the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover begin to intertwine with one another!

Doctor Aphra #14. Photo: Marvel Comics
“Repeat Defenders”
Probably the most important development for this issue is the collision of Aphra and Sana Starros with Ariole Yu and Just Lucky! We have known this meeting was on the horizon for a while, and it finally comes to pass in this issue.
In my opinion, the best part of the encounter is, as always, Aphra! In fact, it may be a funny statement for a book whose title is her own name, but Aphra completely steals the show in this issue. In addition to her reaction to running into Just Lucky again, she also manages to channel both BB-8 in Episode 8 and that nasty robot from the first Robocop movie!

Doctor Aphra #14. Photo: Marvel
However, one thing is for sure about this issue: it is definitely “connective tissue”!
If you haven’t read the issues leading into this one, which establish why all four of the main characters have landed in this mess, you won’t appreciate the stakes of the situation, and you shouldn’t be expecting much of a conclusion at the end of this story, since it’s directly leading into the climax of this sprawling crossover event!

Photo: Marvel Comics
Doctor Aphra #14
We’ve entered the final act of the War of the Bounty Hunters, Marvel Blog True Believers, and the stakes couldn’t be higher: what circumstances will ultimately transpire to land the carbonite-frozen Han Solo in the clutches of Boba Fett (and by extension, Jabba the Hutt)? Have you been keeping up with the event, Marvel Blog True Believers?
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