REVIEW: The Death of Doctor Strange: The Avengers
In The Death of Doctor Strange: The Avengers #1 by Alex Paknadel, Ryan Bodenheim, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit, with a main cover by Steve Skroce & Dave Stewart, we get to see what happens in the immediate wake of The Death of Doctor Strange #2…

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
And it turns out there are some very interesting consequences, Marvel Blog True Believers!
The Death of Dr. Strange: The Avengers #1
One thing I really liked about this tie-in issue is how directly it tied in!
While the Avengers arrived to attempt to corral the Three Mothers when they arrived on Earth in The Death of Doctor Strange #2, we didn’t get to see the consequences… until this issue, that is. We open on Iron Man trying to deal with the reality of the situation, which seems to be way out of his control.

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
In fact, we even see that Tony is so shaken by the experience, he is tempted to return to his old bad coping mechanisms… like drinking alcohol! There are plenty of character-based moments like this in this action-packed story, and the result is that you really care about the events as they unfold.

This isn’t Man-Thing… Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
There were also plenty of awesome “tricks” that can only be accomplished in comics! One example is the moment when the art allows you to think that Man-Thing is about to appear… but when you turn the page, you get a full-page splash that disabuses you of this misconception!

Iron Man to the rescue! Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
In another instance, Iron Man flies in the gutter between panels as he races toward the scene, a very nice touch.
Earth’s Mightiest Avenge Strange
Will the Avengers be able to stave off the onslaught of extra-dimensional entities now that Doctor Strange is dead? They may have succeeded in this issue, but things still look pretty grim!
Let us know what you’ve been thinking of The Death of Doctor Strange event in the comment section, Marvel Blog True Believers!