RETRO REVIEW: Goodbye Grills in Hawkeye (2012) #10
In Hawkeye (2012) #10 by Matt Fraction, Francesco Francavilla, and Chris Eliopoulous, we find out more about the man who murdered Grills: Clown, A.K.A. Kazimierz Kazimierczak!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This character is played by Fra Fee in the ongoing Hawkeye Marvel Cinematic Universe streaming series on Disney+.
Furthermore, the character of Grills is also on the show, played by Clayton English. Could a similar fate be awaiting the character on the show? Trouble brewing, Marvel Blog True Believers!
Goodbye Grills

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
We learned that Grills was murdered by Clown in the final panels of Hawkeye (2012) #9. In that issue, we saw Grills getting gunned down by Clown on the final page!
In Hawkeye (2012) #10, we back the story up a little bit and get to learn more about the character of Kazimierczak, and how he came to be in New York City, intertwined with the business of the Tracksuit Mafia, and ultimately, the person who murders Grills.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This issue brings in guest artist Fracavilla, who is known for his incredible horror work (you might recognize his art from Afterlife with Archie, if you’re a fan of the Archie Horror line). Not only is he known for the often gory content of his art, but he’s also known for his use of color, which comes into play heavily in this issue: in fact, color is used to differentiate between the current time frame and a flashback.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This issue gives depth to Clown, a character who might otherwise be a one-note villain… let’s hope that he gets the same treatment in the next few episodes of Hawkeye, especially if he ends up murdering Grills on the show, as well!
Hawkeye (2012) #10
Even if you read this issue on Marvel Unlimited, there’s no letters page this time out, and that means no recommended song. I guess that means we need to take time for a moment of silence for Grills!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
What do you think of the death of Grills? Let us know what you’re thinking in the comment section, Marvel Blog True Believers!