REVIEW: 22 Issues in Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1
In The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 by Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira, Wayne Faucher, Andrew Crossley, Peter Pantazis, and Joe Caramagna, with a main cover by Greg Land & Frank D’Armata, we get a story that is a tie-in for the ongoing Death of Doctor Strange event… but it’s also an important issue for the going Spider-Man Beyond storyline! Plus, this story is co-headlined by Felicia Hardy… A.K.A. the Black Cat!
Spider-Man Beyond the Grave

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
In this issue, we see Felicia Hardy, A.K.A. the Black Cat, meeting up with Ben Reilly, the clone of Peter Parker who has stepped into the role of Spider-Man due to the fact that Parker is in a coma after a particularly brutal battle. Over the course of the issue, we see how friction exists between Hardy and Reilly, who both have complicated relationships with Parker.

Hardy by Parker’s bedside. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
However, they have to put their differences aside because the late Strange has enlisted the assistance of Spider-Man to help deal with 22 issues that are going to arise now that he’s dead, and he can’t handle them anymore. The number 22 is no coincidence, either: it’s the builder number, and in this issue, we see Reilly begin to build a new relationship with Hardy… one built on mutual respect!

Hardy and Reilly fight crocodiles. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
This leads to an amazing montage of mystical action, with many laughs to be had among the panels. However, it’s essential to note that this is not just for gags: over the course of the issue, you gain a deeper understanding for the role Strange plays in New York City, about how he relates to (and teaches) Spider-Man, and about how important Parker is to both Hardy and Reilly.
Twenty-two Issues with Hardy

Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
Have you had a chance to pick up The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1, Marvel Blog True Believers? What did you think of this outstanding tie-in issue?
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