Marvel Studios is Reportedly Bringing Nova Into The MCU with ‘Moon Knight’ Writer
It appears as though one of the coolest Marvel characters could be making their live-action adaptation debut as Marvel Studios is reportedly bringing Nova into the MCU with the writer of Moon Knight penning the project.
One of Marvel comics’ most interesting characters with a cosmic presence has been at the end of rampant rumors surrounding just when he could appear in the MCU.

Source: Marvel
It seems as though Marvel is moving forward with the iconic character as a recent report suggests Moon Knigth writer Sabir Pirzada is bringing Nova into the MCU.
The report comes from Deadline, via, which states, “Marvel Studios is working on a project that brings Nova to the MCU.”

Source: Marvel
Although there are reports that suggest the character is poised to appear, there is a lot unknown about the context of the project- as in whether or not it will be a film or a series- and how Marvel is slated to introduce the character on the vast cinematic universe.
The character of Richard Rider- known to fans as simply Nova- was first created by Marv Wolfman and John Buscema, and made his debut in the source material in 1976’s Nova #1.

Source: Marvel
A character that was simply a cosmic entity that was a part of what was known as the Nova Corps., and operated as a galactic police force in the vein of the Green Lantern Corps., bringing something that the MCU hasn’t seen outside of Captian Marvel and the Kree army.
The character of Rider inherits the power of the Nova Corps. after a battle at their home planet of Xandar eliminates the entire force of the Novas.

Source: Marvel Studios
The rider is able to fly, and project energy blasts by tapping into the Nova force- the power that fuels all of the Nova’s- while also possessing various superhuman abilities.
Rider’s Nova has been a sought after MCU character from various fans, as he has always been a contributing factor in the cosmic realm of the source material, which should mean he could be in play to appear in the final installment of James Gunn’s current Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.

Source: Marvel