‘Moon Knight’ Star Oscar Isaac Reveals MCU Advice From Robert Downey Jr.
The latest Marvel series has just debuted on Disney+ to a fantastic reception, and in a recent interview, the series star Oscar Isaac reveals the MCU advice he got from Robert Donwey Jr. that solidified his choice.
There are few Marvel characters who are able to share the level of enigmas and mystery that shrouds the most recent debut in the MCU, as Moon Knight is truly the definition of one of a kind.

Source: Marvel Studios
Following Steven Grant- in a role that is different from his role in the source material- as he struggles with dissociative identity disorder, experiencing gaps in time that he can’t account for.
What the character doesn’t know is that he is actually only one of several personalities present in the person of Marc Spector; a former mercenary whose death at the foot of a temple leads way for him to be granted the powers of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu.

Source: Marvel Studios
Oscar Isaac shined in the series’ first episode, perfectly balancing the disheveled cockney accented gift store clerk that is Steven Grant with the more capable Marc Spector to present the perfect hint of what’s to come.
With Isaac speaking on how his past affiliation with the franchise films of the Star Wars and X-Men universe made him hesitant to join the MCU, he also spoke about a certain someone who was a huge impact on his decision.

Source: Marvel Studios
In a recent interview, Oscar Isaac revealed MCU advice he got from Robert Downey JR that greatly eased his concerns with joining Marvel.
Talking with Extra TV, Isaac was asked if he reached out to any Marvel stars for advice before signing on, to which he stated, “I did talk to Robert Donwey Jr. quite a bit. I talked to him a lot.”

Source: Marvel Studios
Isaac continued, “I mean, head a friend already, and so just talking to him about it and just what his sense of it is and how his process has been and he was such great great person to talk to, obviously about the hold thing.”
The actor was then asked what Downeys biggest tip was, to which he answered, “I think the thing is he really said that Kevin Feige is a genius and he’s a collaborator, and so don’t be afraid to come in ad give your ideas and give your thoughts and to be bold with your choices.”

Source: Marvel Studios
It is interesting to hear the advice Downey gave Isaacs, but it is no surprise considering the high regard that the veteran MCU presence still holds for the creative force of Marvel Studios.