Marvel Releases INCREDIBLE ‘Moon Knight’ Concept Art
One of the MCU’s best series yet, Marvel has released incredible Moon Knight concept art to celebrate the magnificent series that has just concluded its six-episode first season.
Few Marvel projects have proven to be as fantastic as their most recent, with one of the primary reasons for its tremendous success being its unique visual style and creative aesthetics; all of which are on full display via these pieces of Moon Knight concept art from first reported by

Source: Marvel Studios
The collection first starts with this brilliant illustration of the terrifying Jackals, as they proceed to chase after Marc Spector; one of the coolest sequences that took place early on in the first two episodes of the series.

Source: Marvel Studios
It was the chase by the Jackals that led to maybe the most iconic moment of the series, seeing Steven Grant first give over his body to Marc Spector; in which his bond to Khonshu allowed him to first manifest the Moon Knight, with this concept art depicting a more haunting manifestation.

Source: Marvel Studios
This brilliant rendering of Khonshu is probably one of the clearest depictions of the character, with his eventual design in the series being this fantastic design perfectly brought to life on the screen; with all of the tattered cloth and haunting skeletal structure to boast.

Source: Marvel Studios
This next piece is set to depict the showdown on the streets of London between perhaps our favorite character of the entire series- Steven Grant’s Mr. Knight- and the Jackal that he finally builds up the courage to confront.

Source: Marvel Studios
Maybe the most horrifying moment of the series saw Grant and Layle El-Fouhly seek out Arthur HArrow and his league of followers; which then led the duo straight into a temple filled with bloodthirsty, mummified, corpses lurking in the shadows.

Source: Marvel Studios
One of the most visually stunning moments of the series saw Khonshu and Mr. Knigh turn back the stars of the night sky to help them locate the resting place of Ammut, a scene that was perfectly mapped out in this piece.

Source: Marvel Studios
A clear fan favorite of the series, Taweret is the deity tasked with helping Marc and Steven cross over into the Field of Reeds; with her design also being meticulously crafted to adapt almost flawlessly on screen.

Source: Marvel Studios
Speaking of Taweret, Layla became the Avatar of her presence on the planet, turning her into the MCU’s first Egyptian hero, the Scarlet Scarab

Source: Marvel Studios
The final episode saw a massive showdown between ancient Egyptian deities as the towering Khonshu and Ammit fought for their brand of vengeance with the buildings of Egypt beneath their feet.

Source: Marvel Studios
The final confrontation between Avatars saw Moon Knight and Arthur Harrow ruthless battle it out with the two fighting for the safety of every would Ammit desired to consume in an epic confrontation of mythical beings.

Source: Marvel Studios
With design being such a big part of the beauty of the series, we cannot get over how flawless these pieces of Moon Knight concept art are, and how they clearly set the precedent for how beautiful the show be.