Madame Webb Film Set to Add ‘The Serpent’ Actor
After releasing Spider-Man: No Way Home to immense success, Sony intends to set up a “Sony-Verse” primarily featuring heroes and villains from the Spider-Man universe. Madame Web is one of those characters with a film currently in development, the film is now adding The Serpent star, Tahar Rahim.
The Serpent was a British crime series based on the murder and crimes committed by serial killer Charles Sohbraj. The series appeared on both BBC and Netflix and was generally well-received by critics and casual audiences. Tahar Rahim played the pivotal role of Charles Sohbraj throughout the series entirety.

Source: BBC One and Mammoth Screen
Currently what role Rahim will play in the film is unknown, but with the film focusing heavily on Madame Web, the character is sure to have some sort of connection to her and potentially even connect to the larger Spider-verse
Madame Web is a clairvoyant with astounding psychic abilities most often connected to everybody’s favorite wall-crawler Spider-Man. Born blind from the neurological condition myasthenia gravis, Cassandra Webb would rely more on her psychic abilities rather than her regular senses.

Source: Marvel
Peter Parker would go on to meet Madame Web after viewing an advertisement for her medium services. Believing that Web was a fraud he met with her. However, special clues that only Web could give Spider-Man led to the apprehension of criminals, and further Web enlightened Peter that she knew of his secret identity as Spider-Man.
The two would become allies shortly thereafter, with Peter continuing to use Web as a means of catching criminals. Outside of the comics, Madame Web would feature in the 1990s series Spider-Man: The Animated Series and the show The Ultimate Spider-Man.

Source: Marvel Comics
Dakota Johnson seemed to confirm her casting as Madame Web earlier this year, the 50 Shades of Grey actress posted a web emoji on her Instagram, alluding to the fact that she will indeed play Spider-Man’s close ally. How the film intends to establish Madame Web and formulate her origin will definitely be an interesting story.
Sony continues to expand its universe with Venom 3 having already been announced and Morbius just finishing up another run in theatres. What still has yet to be seen is how these films will interconnect. While Sony has confirmed that MCU Spider-Man is within an adjunct universe, Sony has yet to present a Sony-verse Spider-man.

Source: Marvel/ Sony
We here at Marvel Blog are eagerly waiting to see what role Tahar Rahim will play in Madame Web. Further, we are eager to see Sony’s spider universe continue to take shape.
What role will Madame Web play in the greater universe and will we get any sort of hint for a new Spider-Man?