‘Ms. Marvel’ Writer Talks Connecting the Series to ‘The Marvels’
It has been a constant underpinning question that has existed throughout its first two episodes- and will undoubtedly exist until the end of the series- of how it will connect to the upcoming sequel; well, in a recent interview the Ms. Marvel writer talks about connecting the series to The Marvels.
Since the beginning, fans have been aware that the happenings of Ms. Marvel will lead the story, and the series title character, into the cosmos, teaming up alongside Captain Marvel in the previously announced sequel.

Source: Marvel Studios
It has been something that has been on the forefront of fans’ minds; with the cosmic origin of Kamala Khan’s powers, and the mysterious connection of her family lineage leader many wonder how the two projects will be linked.
In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Ms. Marvel writer Bisha K. Ali spoke about connecting the series to The Marvels.

Source: Marvel Studios
Ali stated, “At the point, we started up the Ms. Marvel writers room, we already knew going in that The MArvesl was going to happen and that Ms. Marvel was going to be a part of it, What I didn’t know- and still don’t- is whats going to happen in that movie, but I have some guesses…”
It is interesting to consider that the two projects, although reliant on each other, aren’t necessarily impacted by one another.

Source: Marvel Studios
Ali expounded, “So I was very aware that we would get a teenage girl in Jersey City, without powers, and we would have to get her ready for whatever is going to happen in that movie.
The writer added, “So I was very aware of that connectivity, and by the time the ygot moving in earnest on that feature, most of our scripts had been written.”

Source: Marvel Studios
Ali concluded by stating, “So, they had read all of our scripts, and they knew what was going to happen to her. They had all of that in mind as they were going into their movie, but I would love to know what happens in their story.”
Although there is still unknown how the two stories impact each other, we only know that Ms. Marvel will serve as the launching pad for audiences’ introduction to Kamala, and The Marvels will build off of what we learn in that series.

Source: Marvel Studios