Taika Waititi Had One Problem with Thor in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’
He has undeniably been linked to the character as long as he is involved with Marvel Studios in any capacity, and after becoming what is seemingly the foremost effort on all things the god of thunder, Taika Waititi reveals he had one problem with Thor in Avengers: Infinity War.
Following two solo films, and various appearances in the earliest Avengers projects, Thor was a character at crossroads in how he was handled by Marvel Studios.

Source: Marvel Studios
A Marvel hero that is easily among the more difficult to adapt based off of his decade-long history in Marvel comics, the hero is one that required a very smart visionary director to catapult him forward into his newest incarnation in the Marvel Universe.
It was a reimagining in Thor: Ragnarok that carried over into the final two installments of Marvel’s Infinity Saga recrafted the hero into a new light and developed a connection with the fanbase that would make him among the most beloved the MCU had to offer.

Source: Marvel Studios
The man responsible for that resurrection, and the creative visionary of who the character has become, has slowly been understood as the foremost expert in the character’s experience now in the Marvel Universe.
As such an expert, director Taika Waititi revealed the one problem that he had with Thor in Avengers: Infinity War; with the arrival of the hero marking a return to Earth after a long stint off-planet.

Source: Marvel Studios
Speaking in an interview recorded by ComicBook.com, Waititi stated, “Infinity War, you’d been away for a while. Then you land back on Earth in Wakanda, and no one says hello? This is odd.”
Waititi continued, “Yes, they were in the middle of a battle, I get that, but everyone was just like, ‘There he is.” With Chris Hemsworth himself adding, “It wasn’t a single, ‘What have you been up to? Hair looks different, you look good. You got a haircut.'”

Source: Marvel Studios
The duo is obviously kidding around, but it is interesting to reflect on the fact that Avengers: Infinity War followed the character being off-planet for more time than fans may have realized.
We cannot wait to see what the duo has in store for the fastly approaching Thor: Love and Thunder, and what is the only fourth solo film given to any Marvel hero

Source: Marvel Studios