‘Ms. Marvel’ Episode 5 REVIEW: One of Marvel’s Greatest Episodes Ever
A statement was circulating earlier this week that saw the producer, and co-creator, of the MCU’s newest series, admit to fearing fan response to this upcoming entry into the character’s saga, and what is clear after watching, is their gamble paid off in a tremendous way, this is our Ms. Marvel episode 5 review.
There has been a consistency to the Marvel Cinematic Universes’ most recent series that would place it in rarified air, with it quickly establishing tone and purpose, and never straying far from that very singular focus of Kamala, and her unique experience.

Source: Marvel Studios
The world would quickly expand for the title character, with the previous episode- which we would easily say was the weakest of its run- taking Kamala all the way to Karachi in an installment that would remove the series main character from everything that made her comfortable.
Ms. Marvel episode 5 keeps with that same pursuit and explores the very origins of Kamala’s family; crafting a story that is both beautiful, tragic, and insightful, as it paints a historical picture that is incredibly raw and unique.

Source: Marvel Studios
The story that is laid out in Episode 5 is one that feels, for lack of a better descriptor, perfect; its pacing, its emphasis on character, and its use of the time allotted to it have breathed this episode with freshness, while the starkness of the tonal shift somehow feels perfectly at home.
This is an origin that does not underwhelm, and does what great stories are always intended to do, it informs the viewer- within the confines of this fictional universe- of a reality that they where completely unaware of.

Source: Marvel Studios
Exploring the reality of these Pakistani people, and the horrors of their relationship with the British, crafted with the clearly evident respect and admiration of the showrunners whose passion is clear with every frame feels like the greatest example of representation in storytelling.
The enemy for Kamala clearly shifts after this entry, and her eye towards the future becomes inevitable following this tremendous look into her past.

Source: Marvel Studios