Tagged: MCU

Loki watches the Sacred Timeline collapse in Loki season two, episode four

Let’s Talk about Loki Episode 2-4

What if we had a Loki episode where people died? What if these people were characters we knew and not just random redshirts? For that matter, what if we had a Loki episode where...

Miss Minutes doesn't care about your power pellets in Loki season two!

Let’s Talk about Loki Episode 2-3

So, Kang is back. What’s the least possible thing you’d imagine following that statement? Kang appears in a zany episode. We’ve got a record scratch or two to discuss, so let’s talk about Loki...

Highlights of the Last Year of the MCU

Some shadowy sections of the internet would have you believe that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has collapsed. These critics with questionable entertainment taste rant and rave like lunatics about how something’s missing in the...

MarvelBlog News for August 13th, 2023

In this week’s MarvelBlog News, Marvel finally faces accountability for mistreating some of its workers. Another Union Fight Brewing??? In July 2022, Vulture ran with a story that included a provocative quote. The author...