Directing Debut Elizabeth Henstridge: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
lizabeth Henstridge has played Jemma Simmons on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. since it’s inception in 2013. In season 7, she’s taking on a new role: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D! But not the agency… the show!
Elizabeth Henstridge Directing Debut
Henstridge stated in a Behind the Scenes interview that she’s always been intrigued by the process of filming. Co-star Clarg Gregg (my favorite: Agent Coulson) said during Season 5 Elizabeth started showing up on the set of scenes and episodes she where wasn’t officially working. It was clear to him: she was following and shadowing the director (Gegg has directed 2 episodes himself).
Gregg said that Elizabeth has incredible instincts when it comes to directing. She’s a hugely talented actress and has brought a lot to the show for years–now, in an episode reminiscent of “Groundhog Day,” she had those instincts put to the test.

In the directors seat
Other cast and crew were excited to see Henstridge step into this new role in her career. Ming-Na Wen, Agent May, had “full confidence” that she was going to succeed in filming a great episode.
Because the episode dealt with a time loop situation, there was a lot of repetition and the stars had to do a lot of things over again with slight variations. It was tough for both the actors and crew, Wen said “it was a pain in the beep!”

Ming-Na Wen, Agent May
Toughest S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode of the Year
Henry Simmons aka S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Mackenzie said that he thought she was directing the toughest episode of the year. But that didn’t phase Henstridge. The cast and crew said she’s unflappable, prepared, excited, enthusiastic, and took up the challenge with an authoritative energy.
Elizabeth said that she grew a lot from this experience. She learned a lot about self-belief, to not doubt herself, and to make decisions and go with it. Henstridge is very grateful for the opportunity and we hope to see more of her in the director’s chair.
Marvel and Disney have seen a lot of growth and change recently when it comes to directing. Henstridge obviously worked hard to earn her directing debut. She played a long game of extra time and effort shadowing other directors. She brought her power and creativity to the set and she rocked it!
More to Come?
Will we see more of Elizabeth as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes to come? Not likely since the show is ending this season. But that doesn’t mean we won’t see her direct more Marvel related content in the future. Hopefully, Elizabeth Henstridge’s directing debut is the first of many!
We here at MarvelBlog are so proud of Elizabeth and cannot wait to see where she goes next. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD has it’s series finale this week. Be sure to catch it on ABC Wednesday at 10pm EST.
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[…] A.V. Club argues that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. portrayed sisterhood better than the MCU ever […]