Is BRUCE CAMPBELL in Dr Strange 2?
In an enigmatic Tweet, Bruce Campbell has hinted that he may appear alongside Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Strange) and Elizabeth Olsen (the Scarlet Witch) in the upcoming sequel Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Boy, it was a blast, working in a certain city, with a certain director on a certain movie with a certain actor – it sure was!
— Bruce Campbell (@GroovyBruce) February 27, 2021
Not sure how we came to that conclusion based on this mysterious Tweet? Never fear, Mighty Marvel Multiverse and Army of Darkness fans! We’ll explain.
First of all, while the text of the Tweet says “a certain city,” the included picture shows the London skyline – if nothing else, see the London Eye?

Spider-Man on the London Eye. Photo: Marvel Studios
As you may already know from our ongoing coverage of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness here at Marvel Blog, the upcoming sequel is currently filming in London. Hmm…
Second, Campbell has a history of working with the director of Dr. Strange, Sam Raimi. The pair worked together on Evil Dead (1981), as well as the movie’s subsequent movie sequels, Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987) and Army of Darkness (1992), and then the television series sequel, Ash vs Evil Dead (2015).

Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams in Evil Dead. Photo: Universal Studios
In addition to the questionable charisma of Campbell’s leading lunkhead Ash Williams, all of these Evil Dead stories also feature Ash’s Oldsmobile 88.

Ash vs Evil Dead Ash William’s Oldsmobile 88. Photo: Starz
Why mention the Oldsmobile 88? The most devoted Marvel moviegoers will already recognize the distinctive automobile thanks to its inclusion in all of Raimi’s 2000s Spider-Man trilogy, starring Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker (who might be returning to the Marvel Multiverse pretty soon himself).

Oldsmobile 88 in Spider-Man. Photo: Sony
In those movies, the Oldsmobile 88 was Uncle Ben’s car, parked beside the Parker family home in all three of the Spider-flicks.

Bruce Campbell in Spider-Man. Photo: Sony
But more to the point: all three of the movies in Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy not only featured cameos by Ash’s car, they also included cameos from Campbell himself! Apparently, he appears as a different character in each movie (or at least, he appears in distinct professional roles, as a wrestling announcer, a theater ticket taker, and a maître d’).
The character that Campbell played in the Evil Dead series, Ash Williams, has already paid a visit to a version of the Marvel universe himself, thanks to Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness (2007) by John Layman, Fabiano Neves, Fernando Blanco, Sean Phillips, June Chung, Randy Gentile, and Rus Wooton, with covers by Arthur Suydam.

Photo: Marvel Comics/Dynamite
If “Marvel Zombies“ seems surprising to you now, it will sound more familiar soon, as an episode of the upcoming Disney+ series What If…? promises to include an episode inspired to the ongoing Marvel Comics storyline.

Photo: Marvel Studios
Never fear, we’ll be giving you plenty of coverage on the comics behind all the many upcoming entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Into the Multiverse of Madness
Could Campbell be appearing in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? If so, could he be reprising the role of Ash Williams, the chainsaw-wielding anti-hero of the Evil Dead franchise?
Well, here at Marvel Blog, we certainly hope so! Let us know what you think in the comments.
1 Response
[…] (a landmark that is frequently on our mind here at Marvel Blog, considering that’s where Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is currently filming), La Grande Roue de Marseille in France, the LunEur Flywheel in Rome, Italy, […]