Review: YOUNG SQUADRON Exceeds Its Panels!
In Young Squadron by Jim Zub, Steven Cummings, Erick Arciniega, and Clayton Cowles, with a main cover by Karl Kerschl, you get to learn all about three young heroes from this brave New-ish 52-ish world: Sam Alexander, A.K.A. Kid Spectrum; Kamala Kahn, A.K.A. Girl Power, and Miles Morales, A.K.A. The Falcon.

Young Squadron #1. Photo: Marvel Comics
What’s incredible about this comic is that in spite of it only being a single issue, by the time you’ve finished the book, you’ll feel like you’ve read several arcs about these versions of the characters!
Narrative Structure is Key
One of the most important tools used to accomplish this very neat trick is narrative structure.
The first nine pages of the book are devoted to each of the three heroes’ origin stories. In three sets of three page “mini-stories,” we see how each of the three teens got their powers (and why they are each so closely connected to one of the members of the Squadron Supreme).

Which Young Squadron Super Hero is this? Photo: Marvel Comics
But that’s when things get really crazy… because it’s time for one of our favorite characters to arrive.

Photo: Marvel Comics
That’s Right, It’s Harleypool
Finally, we get to meet the Deadpool of the Heroes Reborn universe! As I mentioned way back in my review of Heroes Reborn #1, one of the best parts about this event has been when you get to see a new version of one of your favorite characters, and as you Marvel Blog True Believers are already aware, I am a big fan of Deadpool!

Soooo many, many references… I don’t know what to do with myself! Photo: Marvel Comics
Like many of the characters in the Heroes Reborn event, Deadpool seems to be blended with a DC Comics hero… or rather, villain, as Deadpool’s design borrows heavily from Harley Quinn herself!

Photo: Marvel Comics
However, this issue really excels because it understands how important meta characters like Deadpool and Quinn can be to a story. Yes, they offer zany antics and quips, but at the end of the day, they also afford a perspective that’s slightly removed from the proceedings, which can offer clarity for those who are too close to the action to really think about what’s going down.

Photo: Marvel Comics
While I don’t want to spoil the specifics, suffice to say that you really get to see the best side of Deadpool in this issue, no matter which universe he’s found himself stranded in!
M.O.D.O.K. Report
But do you get to see a version of M.O.D.O.K. in this issue? The answer is yes, although you may not recognize him at first (as in this timeline he is known as M.O.D.A.C. – Mobile Organism Design Always to Conquer – a still suitable name for our cephalic antihero).

Photo: Marvel Comics
It seems that M.O.D.O.K. is in every timeline this week! Perhaps he really will conquer the universe.
Another Awesome Alternative Issue
Young Squadron is another interesting issue in this crossover event! Will the Young Squadron be appearing again later in the Heroes Reborn event? We’ll be there to find out, Marvel Blog True Believers!