Have you been paying close attention to our lectures here at Loki Academy, Marvel Blog Untrue Believers? The day has arrived – your savior is here! But now that you’ve had the chance to watch the first episode of Loki on Disney+ a few times, perhaps you’re ready for a change of pace… No, not something non-Loki, of course! We would never think it.

Photo: MarvelBlog.com
Loki Academy: Pop Quiz!
Here are seven questions based on your studies here at Marvel Blog’s Loki Academy! Never fear, we’ve linked to the source lectures if you can’t quite find the answer… and even if you haven’t had a chance to watch the new episode of Loki, this quiz will only ensure you’re prepared for the premiere, not spoil it!
1. Where did Loki next appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after he was captured by the heroes of The Avengers?

“Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?” Photo: Marvel/Quirk
Hint: Loki 001: Loki Academy Orientation
2. True or False: Loki can only create duplicates that look just like him.

“Let’s have a rousing discussion about truth! Honor! And Justice!” Photo: Marvel Comics
Hint: Loki 002: Secrets of the Thor Guidebook
3. What was the name of the real-life historical figure who parachuted away with a suitcase full of extorted money in 1971?

Photo: Marvel Studios
Hint: Loki 003: Real World History Skydive
4. True or False: In The Avengers, Loki stole someone’s eye.

Wot No Loki? Photo: Marvel Comics
Hint: Loki 004: Secrets of The Avengers Guidebook
5. Which Avenger does Loki adopt as a sight gag with which to taunt Thor in The Dark World?

Photo: Marvel
Hint: Loki 005: Secrets of The Dark World Guidebook
6. True or False: In Ragnarok, Loki wears a helm that fully covers his head.

Loki Design Concepts for Thor: Ragnarok. Photo: Marvel
Hint: Loki 006: Secrets of the Thor: Ragnarok Art Book
7. Which Loki looks like Richard E. Grant?

Richard E. Grant in Jack and Sarah. Photo: Gramercy Pictures
Hint: Loki 007: Agent of Asgard Primer
Time’s up, Marvel Blog Untrue Believers! Pencils down. What’s that? You want to see the answer key? Never!
Put your answers in the comment section and prepare to be graded. There will be no free rides at Loki Academy!