Avengers #750 Marvel’s All-Star Variant Extravaganza
In November 2021, Avengers will reach an all-new, all-different milestone: issue #750! This historic comic will be a 96-page oversized issue with an all-star lineup of Marvel Comics creators, including Jason Aaron, Christopher Ruocchio, Aaron Kuder, Carlos Pacheco, Ed McGuinness, Javier Garrón, and Steve McNiven.
In addition to the amazing Avenging going on between the covers, this milestone issue is also being commemorated with multiple variant covers by many Marvel Comics legends!
Variants Galore
First up is a variant featuring one of Marvel’s most beloved couples, Vision and The Scarlet Witch, by Marvel’s Stormbreaker artist Carmen Carnero.

Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Carmen Carnero. Photo: Marvel
Next up, Rob Liefled “continues to team up his legendary creator with every corner of the Marvel Universe”… Which I guess is kind of a variant series, if you squint (or wear a mask without eyeholes)… This is also listed as the “Deadpool 30th Anniversary” cover.

AVENGERS #750 Deadpool 30th Anniversary Variant Cover by Rob Liefeld. Photo: Marvel
There is also a variant by interior artist McGuinness that showcases the Multiversal Masters of Evil, a new team of supervillains that will be introduced in the story.

AVENGERS #750 Variant Cover by Ed McGuinness. Photo: Marvel
A Ron Lim variant cover that features one of my personal favorite Avengers, the sensational She-Hulk!

AVENGERS #750 Variant Cover by Ron Lim. Photo: Marvel
Can’t get enough Shulkie? The variant cover by Simone Bianchi will also feature the Jade Giantess!

AVENGERS #750 Variant Cover by Simone Bianchi. Photo: Marvel
And a variant by Marcos Martín depicts Avengers Mansion butler Jarvis gazing upon a framed pastiche featuring the visages of many of the Marvel Comics superheroes to claim the title of “Avenger” over the decades.

AVENGERS #750 Variant Cover by Marcos Martín. Photo: Marvel
Avengers #750
Will you be picking up a copy of the super-oversized Avengers #50/#750 when it arrives at your local comic shop on November 17th, 2021? Which one of these dazzling variant covers do you hope to acquire (and hey, speaking of, where’s our Dazzler variant)?
We want to hear what you’re thinking, Marvel Blog True Believers! Give us a shout-out in the comment section.