REVIEW: Mind Matters in Moon Knight #5
In Moon Knight #5 by Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit, we get an issue that is split between two frames of time. In the chronology of the first frame of time, we follow a conversation between Moon Knight and his therapist, while in the second frame of time, we see an action-packed storyline that has Moon Knight dealing with issues that have arisen around his Midnight Mission.
Twisting Knight Narratives

Moon Knight gets crushed. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
First of all, shout out to Steve McNiven & Frank D’Armata for delivering one of my favorite Moon Knight covers of all time! This shows Moon Knight as he struggles to stand tall while being crushed by rusted chains. The chains look like brains, and in this comparison, the genius of the cover is born: Moon Knight is being crushed by his mind, which is simultaneously something that is locked up as tight as if it had been wrapped in chains.

Moon Knight & his therapist. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
The conversation between Moon Knight and his therapist emphasizes this. Better yet, it even examines whether or not Marc Spector’s Jewish background affected his decision to accept the Egyptian god Khonshu’s offer to resurrect him, and whether or not he regrets that decision (spoiler alert, Marvel Blog True Believers: the answer to both question is “yes, a lot”).

Bad night. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
Meanwhile, in the other time frame, Moon Knight faces off against a villain who is leading him around by his nose. This storyline is more action packed, and depends on the backstory that has been set up in the previous four issues, especially with Soldier. However, the action is elevated by the dialogue from the first time frame, which spills out of therapy and into the Solider storyline, to great effect.

In action! Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.
Can you guess who’s been tormenting our hero from the subtitle of the issue, “Horoscope”? We want to hear from you, Marvel Blog True Believers! Let us know what you’re thinking in the comment section.
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