REVIEW: Disturbing Twist in Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #3
In the third episode of Spine-Tingling Spider-Man by Saladin Ahmed, Juan Ferreyra, and Joe Sabino, Peter Parker follows the morbid song that’s been stuck in his head to Spencer Smythe, the robotics expert from Spider-Man continuity who is infamous for building horrible robots to kill our hero.

OK, now THIS looks bad. Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
But when Parker gets to the building where Smythe is located, he discovers something else entirely!
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #3

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
First of all, shout-out to this Infinity Comic for continuing to have some of the best scrolling art on Marvel Unlimited! Because the Infinity Comics use a webcomic-style scrolling format, it gives the art a chance to do some very interesting things… and Spine-Tingling Spider-Man continues to take advantage of that.
Not only are the scale of building regularly emphasized, an overlooked element of Parker’s impressive aerial antics, but we get to see Spidey flipping around – almost like he’s jumping off the sides of the phone!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
What I really liked about the story of this issue is the way it lulls you into a false sense of security, allowing you to believe that Parker has fund the source of the song that has been tormenting him… and letting you think that Spidey will be able to solve his problems by punching robots until they go away.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
Instead, the final panels reveal a shocking twist ending that suggests Parker may be in way further over his head than we first suspected. And yes, this is a legitimately spine-tingling moment! Way to live up to the name, Spine-Tingling Spider-Man!
What’s Happening?!
If you have a subscription to Marvel Unlimited, you can read Spine-Tingling Spider-Man for yourself right now.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
How will Peter make it out of this tangled web, Marvel Blog True Believers? Have you had a chance to read Spine-Tingling Spider-Man yet? Let us know in the comment section!