REVIEW: Iceman’s New Years Resolutions (2022)
In Iceman’s New Years Resolutions by Luciano Vecchio and Joe Sabino, a brand-new Mighty Marvel Holiday Special Infinity Comic on Marvel Unlimited – the very first of 2022 – we get to see what happens when a demon who can freeze everything (even time) attempts to crash the NYE celebration in Times Square!
Iceman’s New Years Resolutions

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
Let’s not mince words so close to the end of the year, Marvel Blog True Believers: this Infinity Comic is outstanding! Not only does it take advantage of the scrolling format, like so many of the best Infinity Comics do, but it also does a great job of marrying the plot with the themes.
The story involves a demon who shows up at the NYE celebration that takes place every year in Times Square: the dropping of the ball. However, this demon stops the ball halfway down the spire, freezing time and stopping anyone from moving forward!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
Fortunately, Iceman is there to point out that the whole point of celebrating New Years is the hope that what comes next will be better. This is an interesting conclusion that draws out the meaning of the rituals surrounding NYE in NYC… What else could you want from a Marvel Comic about New Years?

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
It’s no surprise that this insightful comic was written and drawn by Vecchio, who also contributed a thoughtful entry to Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021) #1.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This is the second Mighty Marvel Holiday Special Infinity Comic, with a Christmas episode centering Wolverine having been released earlier in December.
Read Now on Marvel Unlimited

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
You can read Iceman’s New Years Resolutions right now on the Marvel Unlimited app.
Have you had a chance to read the first Marvel Comic of 2022? What did you think if that’s the case, Marvel Blog True Believers? We want to hear your opinion! Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.