REVIEW: We Are Iron Man in Spider-Bot #5
In Spider-Bot #5 by Jordan Blum, Alberto Alburquerque, Dono Sanchez-Almara, and Clayton Cowles, Spider-Man must learn to ask for help when he needs it… but when he does ask for help from Iron Man, is Iron Man actually the one who lends him a mechanized hand?
Spider-Bot #5

Spider-Bot #5. Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
In Spider-Bot #5, we get a story that somehow seems too complicated for the amount of space in which it is being told… and yet, this masterful creative team manages to pack a whole crossover event worth of action in to a single episode of an Infinity Comic and somehow get away with it!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This story starts with Spider-Man and Iron Man talking about how Spidey needs to learn how to ask for help when he needs it (help from sources other than the super-helpful Spider-Bots, Marvel Blog True Believers).

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
From there, Spidey heads off to a confrontation with the Scorpion… only to discover it’s a trap! The whole Sinister Six are there waiting for him! Peter must send the Spider-Bots off to fetch Iron Man…
But when the Spider-Bots reach Stark Tower, they learn that Iron Man isn’t there. With no one else to save the day, the Bots team-up and become Iron Man themselves! This leads to a two-hour battle.

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
After the battle, Spidey goes to thank “Iron Man,” only to have Iron Man lean in and embrace him. Why don’t more super hero battles end like this? This was an outstanding episode that had me laughing and saying “aw” aloud multiple times as I read it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go read it again!
Available to Read Now on Marvel Unlimited

We Are Iron Man. Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
Have you had the chance to read Spider-Bot #5 yet, Marvel Blog True Believers? What did you think of it, if so? We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.