RETRO REVIEW: Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! #1
In Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! (2017) #1 by Christopher Hastings, Edgar Salazar, Allen Martinez, Andrew Crossley, and Clayton Cowles, with a main cover by Ron Lim & Israel Silva, we get a one-shot that gives us a Marvel Comics story set in a location you can visit yourself at Disney California Adventure: the structure that houses the extensive traveling collection of Taneleer Tivan, A.K.A. the Collector!
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! #1

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
If you’ve ever had the chance to ride Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout at Disney California Adventure, this comic will seem very familiar to you, as it is essentially an adaptation of the attraction. Our familiar heroes, the Guardians of the Galaxy, have been kidnapped by the Collector and placed in his traveling collection. Can they escape?

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
This story very closely follows the story of the ride, even having Mantis arrive at the end of the story with the Milano to rescue the team. The only major difference is that, instead of Baby Groot being the version of Groot featured in the comic like it is in the ride, it is instead adult Groot. This is fine with me: all Groots are good Groots!

Photo Credit: Marvel Unlimited.
However, I do have one complaint: why wasn’t there a follow-up issue that covered what happened in Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! Monsters in the Dark? It’s never too late! Maybe we’ll get this sequel this year.
Read on Marvel Unlimited Now
If you want to read this issue for yourself, it’s available now on the Marvel Unlimited app.

Disney Parks exclusive variant edition by WHO? Photo Credit: Avery Kaplan.
And here’s a little glimpse from inside my own collection, Marvel Blog True Believers: my personal copy of this issue, which features a limited edition Variant cover you could only purchase from Disney California Adventure… however, in spite of my best efforts, I cannot identify the artist of this Marvelous variant. If you know who is behind it, please let us know in the comment section!