Ethan Hawke Explains Why Arthur Harrow Keeps Glass in his Shoes
The newest MCU series has debuted to praise from critics and fans alike, and as we get to know some of the series important characters, Moon Knight star Ethan Hawke explains why Arthur Harrow keeps class in his shoes.
It is not overstating to say that Moon Knight may have had the greatest premiere episode of any MCU Disney+ series.

Source: Marvel Studios
The mature themes, darker tone, and willingness to go to places that the MCU has never gone have made the Oscar Isaac-led series one of Marvel’s most interesting and complex projects.
What adds to the complexity and intrigue of the series is the enigmatic villain who seems destined to go head to head against the series’ main character in a battle of mythic proportions.

Source: Marvel Studios
As a matter of fact, it was that same villain who started off the premiere episode with one of the most unsettling scenes in Marvel history; a scene that the performer himself has addressed.
In a recent interview, Ethan Hawke explained why Arthur Harrow keeps the glass in his shoes; and it is as unsettling as you would imagine.

Source: Marvel Studios
Speaking with Variety, Hawke stated, “That [scene] really sprang out of my imagination and our conversations. When you read a comic book, some of the pages have eight drawings, some of them have 16, some have four, and then every now and then, they’ll give like a villain one full-page drawing.”
“I kept asking the writers and directors if it was a comic book, what would his full-page drawing be?” Hawke noted, “And they were like, ‘What do you think it was?'”

Source: Marvel Studios
Hawke continued, “I started really meditating on that, and I started thinking about spiritual people who go crazy, who get mad on their own spiritual pride, and how often that turns inward and you see that they secretly self-lacerating in some way and hating themselves.”
“Because we all have sin, and the idea that somebody is free of sin is not really possible if you’re human.” the actor noted, “And so with the self-hatred and the turning inward, I had this image of him listening to a hymn while he put broken glass in his shoes, that he hid from other people.”

Source: Marvel Studios
Hawke concluded by stating, “I knew he had a cane, and I kept saying, ‘wait, I have a cane. Do I have a limp?’ And I thought, ‘Ahh, I know why he has a cane,’ So I told them this idea. And this is what I mean about what was so surprising about Marvel: They’re like, ‘Let’s shoot that. Thats a great idea.'”
It is interesting to hear the thought process on Ethan Hawke discovering why Arthur Harrow wears glass in his shoes, but it speaks to the collaborative process at Marvel, and how it ultimately benefits the projects that they develop for the MCU.

Source: Marvel Studios