Oscar Isaac Talks the Discomfort of ‘Moon Knight’
The star of Marvel’s most recent series has taken the fandom by storm, but it didn’t come without a little challenge, as Oscar Isaac talks about the discomfort of Moon Knight.
There are few Marvel projects that have attempted to take audiences to the depths that their newest MCU series has unapologetically taken them.

Source: Marvel Studios
A series centered around mental illness and indentured servitude to an almighty Egyptian deity, Moon Knight is a story that is quite unlike anything that Marvel has attempted in its cinematic universe.
With the boundaries being pushed routinely, it is fair to assume that the actors are pushed just as hard, with the star of the show producing an exceptional performance that is seemingly defined by his ability to push his talents to their very limit.

Source: Marvel Studios
In a recent interview with Youtube channel Astro Gempak, Moon Knight star Oscar Isaac talks about the discomfort of playing Moon Knight, and how he eventually overcame that in the latter stages of filming.
Isaac stated, “It was definitely challenging at first because I wasn’t so comfortable switching between the two, so I would ask if we could just shoot all of Steven’s stuff first and then all of Marc’s,”

Source: Marvel Studios
The actor continued, “and then slowly, as I got more comfortable and I really got a handle on both characters, It became easier to sitch in-between the two, even in the same moment,”
It wasn’t just the transitioning, however, as the moments that take place in the mirror were just as challenging.

Source: Marvel Studios
The veteran performer addressed these by stating, “That was a challenge, but also just the technical part of figuring out how to act with myself and how to figure all that out in the camera. That took a lot of figuring it all out.”
What is an interesting takeaway from Isaac’s sentiments is that the series is not just spectacular for its performances, or for its incredible narrative, but for the technical aspects of it that where overcame challenges, all to serve the phenomenal ed product, that is Marvel clearly at its best.

Source: Marvel Studios