Marvel Releases ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ Clip Showcasing the Villain Gargantos
The highly anticipated sequel is just under a week away, as Marvel releases a Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness clip showcasing the villain Gargantos.
A film that is fast approaching, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be one of the most important films in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Source: Marvel Studios
Picking up where Spider-Man: No Way Home left off, the Doctor Strange sequel will explore the multiversal plot point that has been a major factor of Marvel’s Phase Four; with Strange having to confront the side effects of a deteriorating multiverse.
With its multiversal narrative, and the nature of its secretive development, the film is also one of the most theorized Marvel films to date; with fans engrossed in speculation as to what could occur in the film that should have massive repercussions for the overall MCU.

Source: Marvel Studios
The theatrical debut of the highly anticipated MCU installment is just a week away, as Marvel releases a Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness clip, showing off the menacing Gargantos.
The clip shows off a scene from the film in which Gargantos is wreaking havoc on the streets of New York, except he is hidden from the view of people before Doctor Strange uses a spell to make him visible.
The interesting part of the clip remains in the reasoning why Gargantos is attacking; as it seems that he is chasing down America Chavez as she desperately fleas from him.
Seeming to show Doctor Strange rescuing America Chavez, the clip is probably occurring early in the film, with Strange observing the events with an air of uncertainty; likely pointing to him being unaware of what is occurring before him, nor what lies ahead.

Source: Marvel Studios
America Chavez’s MCU debut has been a massive draw of the film, with her ability to punch star-shaped doorways into alternate realities likely being a vital part of how Strange and company are able to defend the current Marvel Universe.