Marvel Releases EPIC Trailer for ‘Moon Knight’ Finale
With the series set to conclude with tomorrow’s entry, Marvel has released an EPIC trailer for the Moon Knight finale.
One thing is certain about Marvel’s latest Disney+ series; it is among the best projects that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever developed.

Source: Marvel Studios
Tackling mature themes of mental illness and child abuse, Moon Knight grounds the world of impenetrable superheroes and menacing villains into the unfortunate reality of life that we all may understand, and the tragic trauma that is present in both our universe and that of our favorite heores.
It has always been one of the MCU’s greatest aspects, that they can make these stories of cosmic entities and giant green monster men feel very attainable, with humor and heartbreak that allow us to feel like these larger than life creations are real, or that in some other universe they could be.

Source: Marvel Studios
Moon Knight takes that unique quality of the MCU and gives audiences the most emotionally resonant piece of work that they’ve ever crafted; with a focus on the traumatic eponymous character of the series, Marc Spector, and his near-endless struggle with a dissociative identity disorder.
There are few characters who have so quickly endeared themselves to the MCU fanbase than Steven Grant, Marc Spector’s mild-mannered personality that is tragically crafted as a coping mechanism to one of the darkest and long-suffering characters that Marvel has ever put on screen.

Source: Marvel Studios
The series will encounter its culminating episode tomorrow, in what should conclude the phenomenal story in incredible fashion.
Although the entry is slated as the shortest of the series’ six episodes, Marvel has released an EPIC trailer ahead of the Moon Knight finale, ensuring fans that they are in for a remarkable ending.
With the previous episode ending with Marc being accepted into the Feild of Reeds, it will be interesting to see where the story goes, as Spector is still focused on releasing Khonshu, and defeating Arthur Harrow as he seeks to demolish the universe as we know it.