Dane Whitman ‘The Black Knight’ Was Almost a Guest on Moon Knight
Moon Knight’s first season concluded last week, and it was truly a brilliant six-episode run. In a recent interview with comicbook.com, head writer Jeremy Slater has revealed that Dane Whitman The Black Knight almost had a guest spot!
Dane Whitman played a smaller role last year in the film The Eternals as the love interest and boyfriend of Eternal Sersi. While he never officially became the Black Knight, an end credit scene featured him opening a special box that contained The Black Knight’s Ebony Blade.

Kit Harington as Dane Whitman/Black Knight. Photo: Marvel
Last week in an interview with The Direct, Moon Knight’s head writer Jeremy Slater revealed that he had wanted the Eternals to cameo in the movie during a flashback sequence. However the incredible cost of having that sort of scene meant the scene was ruled out.
Now we are learning through his interview with comicbook.com that Dane Whitman was another character that Slater wanted in the film. Slater referenced the fact that both Whitman and Steven Grant (One of Moon Knight’s Identities) both worked at London museums allowing for a “natural interaction”.

Source: Marvel Studios
So why didn’t these two awesome characters meet up and talk about their natural affinity for the past? Slater revealed that he didn’t want to ruin Dane Whitman’s/Kit Harrington’s first post-eternals appearance and not have him suit up into the Black Knight.
Specifically, in his comicbook.com interview Slater Stated that:
“My feeling was if we got Kit Harington to show up and he doesn’t suit up and he doesn’t kick ass, as a fan I’m pissed off”

Source: Marvel
Slater went on to mention the scene he had imagined with the two superheroes:
“Just seeing an interaction where he walks past and goes ‘Oh hey Steven,’ who responds ‘Oh, hey Professor Whitman!’ It felt like that would be a waste of the money it would cost Kit Harington in there.”

Source: Marvel Studios
A scene involving both Dane Whitman and Steven Grant acknowledging each other in Steven’s workplace of the National Gallery in London would have been an amazing moment! As a long-time MCU fan, the interconnectedness of the MCU is always an awesome sight to behold.
While we didn’t get that potentially epic Easter egg we don’t know what the future holds for both characters. At the end of the Eternals, Whitman opens the box containing the Ebony Blade, and is then questioned on whether he is ready for it by Marvel’s vampire hunter Blade.

Photo: Marvel Comics
For Steven Grant, we may very well see him return for a second season considering the post-credit scene of Moon Knight unveiled a third alter that took out antagonist Arthur Harrow.
Dane Whitman’s fate however is a little more uncertain. While it seems from his post-credit scene that he may connect to Blade, nothing else is known and there are no current plans for the Black Knight to appear.

Source: Marvel Studios
Fans can only hope that these two characters will meet, better yet fight together. Seeing Moon Knight and The Black Knight team up to stop some mystical force would be a dream come true!
Whatever direction the MCU will push Dane Whitman towards will be an interesting site to see. Whether he ends up joining another character or having some solo adventure on his own, we are ready to see him wield the Ebony Blade!