Krysten Ritter Teasing A Jessica Jones/Luke Cage Return?
Before Disney+ introduced us to a myriad of amazing Marvel shows, Netflix created their own mini-Marvelverse tied to the MCU. Now it seems we are getting a little tease on a possible return from Jessica Jones actress Krysten Ritter.
In an Instagram stories post, Krysten Ritter took a photo of herself with Luke Cage actor Mike Colter! This comes amidst news that Marvel will be bringing back fellow Netflix Marvel character Daredevil.

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Photo: Netflix
Jessica Jones was a series that followed a private investigator from New York City. Jones was orphaned at a young age when her parents died in a car crash, she was then experimented on by the organization IGH which saved her life while also giving her superhuman abilities.
Jones would later decide to become a superhero until she was captured by the sadistic Kilgrave who used his mind-control abilities to force her as a slave to perform sexual acts. This pushes her into depression and results in Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder.

Photo: Netflix
Jessica Jones would later team up with fellow Superhero Luke Cage to combat Kilgrave and deal with her past. Luke Cage and Jessica Jones have always been connected through their romantic interest in each other, both in the comics and the Netflix-verse.
The Netflix show continued the romantic relationship between the two. This makes this particular Instagram tease posted by Krysten Ritter especially interesting, as she was with Luke Cage actor Mike Colter. Is something in the works within the MCU for these two?
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As mentioned prior, Daredevil is already poised to make his MCU comeback, having already seen a small role as Peter Parker’s attorney in Spiderman: No Way Home. If Daredevil is getting his resurgence, it may indeed be possible that his fellow Netflix stars will too.
The biggest problem so far with the return of the Netflix heroes is the adult-rated content. Most of the Disney+ series do not exceed the TV-14 rating, while series like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage falls into the TV-MA category.

Source: Marvel Studios
Disney is most certainly not ready to journey into the TV-MA rating spot, meaning these characters are most certainly not going to return in the same capacity as their Netflix series.
The Kingpin, the primary antagonist in Daredevil, returned in Hawkeye and retained his overall menacing grimace and imposing nature. However, aside from fighting Kate Bishop, he certainly lacked the brutality that was shown during his Netflix run.

Source: Marvel Studios
The news of Daredevil’s return has given a breath of new hope to all the fans of Netflix’s Marvel shows. We can only hope that Krysten Ritter is giving us a little tease of what may be a return of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
Though they may not be the same characterizations that we saw on Netflix, we would still love to see both characters debut on Disney+!