The Analytics Show ‘Ms. Marvel’ Is Beign Review Bombed
The brand new Marvel story has arrived on Disney+ to a (mostly) positive reception, but a look deeper at the numbers shows that Ms. Marvel is being review bombed.
There were few Marvel series that inspired the excitement that was present in the fandom for the highly-anticipated Ms. Marvel.

Source: Marvel Studios
It was a series that would see the long-awaited live-action debut of Kamala Khan into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and would present the fan-favorite character in the newfound world of marvel heroes that she so rightly belonged.
Although Kamala Khan is a character that has consistently been among the most beloved Marvel heroes, she has also been one that has inspired controversy throughout her existence.

Source: Marvel
That has now continued as the analytics show Ms. Marvel is getting review bombed, with a look deeper into the numbers.
Review bombing is a current phenomenon in which certain members will review a series or film with a one-star rating, not based on the merit of the project, but simply because they want to see that project fail.

Source: Marvel Studios
A report put together by Forbes, dove deeper into the discrepancy between Ms. Marvel’s record-setting Rotten Tomatoes score, and it being the lowest-rated MCU series on IMDB.
When compared with other MCU series on IMDB, Ms. Marvel is clearly the lowers with a 6.6 out of ten; it sits below Falcon and the Winter Soldiers 7.2, What If’s…? 7.4, and Moon Knight’s 7.4.

Source: Marvel Studios
While some will insist that there is no quantifiable proof that this is due to malicious intent, it becomes clearer when we dissect the percentage of reviews that are one star.
OF those three series we mentioned- Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Moon Knight, and What If…?– they share 3%, 2.1%, and 4.8% one-star reviews respectively; while Ms. Marvel has an astronomically high 22.2% one-star reviews.

Source: Marvel Studios
The higher percentage of one-star reviews, the more that the series average will be misconstrued into a number lower than what truly reflects its reception; with Rotten Tomatoes, there are measures in place to protect a film from this kind of activity, but none of which exists for IMDB.
We can only hope that this will get resolved and that Ms. Marvel will be given the fair chance she deserves from sites like this that reflect an untrue assessment.

Source: Marvel Studios