Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi Explain What Makes Gorr Such a Good Villain
With the film just a few weeks away, Thor: Love and Thunder star Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi explain what makes Gorr the God Butcher such a good villain.
There is one thing that has been a struggle for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, its developing villains that are consistent players in the franchise; with the use of villains often being a place of contention for most fans.

Source: Marvel Studios
With Thor: Love and Thunder arriving next month, there are many- including the film’s director– who firmly believe that its antagonist could change that perception.
A backstory that is certainly set to make him one of the MCU’s most sympathetic villains, Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi explain just what makes Gorr the God Butcher such a good villain.

Source: Marvel Studios
As reported by (Via D23 Magazine) Waititi stated, “Gorr’s backstory involved being wronged by the gods, and a lot of his motivation is getting revenge for these wrongdoings… We really wanted to explore this idea of religion, belief, and what it means to put your faith in a higher power.”
He continued, “And because Thor is essentially a god, what does it mean for him to represent these gods?”

Source: Marvel Studios
Chris Hemsworth added on to this by stating, “[Gorr is] not a straightforward villain… There’s a real complexity to him. It’s not black and white, what he’s doing, he has a truthful motivation, which I think makes for the most interesting kind of villain.”
The Thor star continued, “You might not agree with how he’s going about it, but you understand why he’s been tipped over the edge and why he’s gone down this path.

Source: Marvel Studios
Hemsworth noted, “It’s really challenging one for Thor because the set of questions Gorr’s posing does hold some truth- but he can’t let Gorr destroy the universe in the process.”
The MCU veteran concluded by stating, “That, I think, makes this a great dynamic and not as predictable as the straightforward good guy vs. bad guy scenario we’ve seen before.”

Source: Marvel Studios
Seeing how Gorr is developed in the film will certainly be the most interesting aspect of Thor: Love and Thunder, and a showdown between The Mighty Thor, Thor, Valkyrie, and the villainous Gorr have us all kinds of excited.