‘Ms. Marvel’ Ends as MCU’s Highest-Rated Project
Its finale episode has come and gone this week, and it bookended what was a tremendous journey for the eponymous character- while also happening to completely alter the course of the Marvel Universe as we know it– as Ms. Marvel ends as the MCU’s highest rated project yet.
There was an air of uncertainty when the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney+ project began its promotional campaign, as many potential viewers worried about the tone of the series and its perceived focus on a much younger viewer.

Source: Marvel Studios
The project centered around Muslim-American teenager Kamala Khan, as she juggled the tremendous expectations placed upon her by society and her family, with her own obsession with superheroes and the Marvel Universe that she so happened to be living in.
Although the series did suffer in its viewership numbers because of the perception levied against it- whether fair, or not- it is undeniably, and quantifiable, one of the greatest successes that the Marvel Universe has ever distributed to audiences.

Source: Marvel Studios
With its finale episode arriving earlier this week, Ms. Marvel now officially ends as the MCU’s highest-rater project yet; with the aggregate score of its six-episode series including a Rotten Tomatoes score of 98% fresh.
That is a number that already places it in rarified company, as it stands as one of the few Marvel projects to hit such an incredibly high marker; as the newest Disney+ series dethrones 2016’s Black Panther, which boasts a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Source: Marvel Studios
Black Panter’s success made it the benchmark for Marve projects, with it maintaining the highest ranking of any Marvel film, and still being the only Marvel property to be nominated for an Academy Award for best picture.
Ms. Marvel now stands above that as the MCU’s best-received project from a critical perspective, and it really isn’t even close, with every one of the series six episodes scoring at least a 92%; with the fourth and fifth episodes of the series earning perfect 100% scores.

Source: Marvel Studios