Marvel Releases Brand New Bruce Banner ‘She/ Hulk’ Poster
The newest Marvel hero has officially arrived as her series debuted yesterday, and an MCU veteran who was a massive part of that debut is getting celebrated by Marvel, as they’ve released a brand new Bruce Banner She/ Hulk poster.
If you haven’t watched the first episode of the highly-anticipated Disney+ series She/ Hulk: Attorney at Law, well, my first reaction is, what are you reading this for? Go watch it!

Source: Marvel Studios
The series debuted the arrival of Jennifer Walters to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and presented a hero, and a series, that is quite unlike anything that the MCU has seen in its illustrious decade-plus history.
A character that is positioned firmly in both the world of superheroism and civilian life, there are few characters in the massive Marvel pantheon that are like Walters; who has consistently brought a brand new perspective to the source material.

Source: Marvel Studios
That perspective is now coming to a live-action adaptation that has been released on the Disney exclusive streaming service, as Jennifer Walter becomes the heir apparent to the Hulk legacy in a story that sees her attempt to come to terms with her newfound affliction, and her responsibilities following it.
An important part of that transition is, of course, the Hulk himself, Walters’s cousin who works as a mentor figure, to try and teach her all that she needs to know just what she has unknowingly gotten herself into; and Marvel has officially released a brand new Bruce Banner She/ Hulk poster to celebrate that!
Smart Hulk. He didn't come up with the name. #SheHulk
— She-Hulk (@SheHulkOfficial) August 19, 2022
The first episode uncovered a lot about the Hulk that was previously unknown by the viewer, as this is maybe the first time that audiences found out what Banner had been up to following the blip, and in the time jump before the Avengers took on Thanos once again in Avengers: Endgame.
What is shown is a hero that is living alone on a deserted beach in Mexico, attempting to protect himself and other people from all that comes with being the Hulk; and it seems as though he is slated to continue a presence at some point in the series as Walters continues her evolution as She/ Hulk

Source: Marvel Studios