Let’s Talk about She-Hulk Episode 1-6
Something I like about She-Hulk is that it isn’t afraid to have standalone episodes. Over the past two weeks, we’ve had a dating episode and a courtroom drama. One of those makes more sense for a “law show” than the other.
This week, we once again explore a staple of sitcoms and movies about single women. It’s time for the wedding episode! Let’s talk about She-Hulk episode 1-6, the one where Jen is welcome, but her green counterpart most assuredly is not.
That’s Too Much Glitter

Source: Marvel Studios
Fun fact about me: I hate weddings. The mere thought of them makes me wince. I’m a devout believer that these events should involve two people and someone to host the ceremony. Anybody else should be at the reception only.
These shows where people spend tens of thousands of dollars on weddings drive me to distraction, as I think “they could have taken a yearlong honeymoon or bought a house instead.” So, I laughed immediately when Jennifer Walters opened an unexpected package.
The box exploded with glitter and revealed a simple message: Will you be my bridesmaid? Always say no to that question, folks. The dresses are hideous. Walters breaks the fourth wall long enough to acknowledge that this is the “self-contained wedding episode.”

Source: Marvel Studios
Meanwhile, the B-plot will involve best friend Nikki working with attorney Mallory Book since Jen, her boss, will be out of town. The writers nail the joke here by saying, “If you think this is happening at an inconvenient time in the season, you’re right! ‘Cause that’s how weddings always are.”
Oh, we have axes to grind this week! Sign me up!
The Invitation Didn’t Say She-Hulk

Source: Marvel Studios
Apparently, the Drip Broker really liked Walters, or at least the challenge she represented. So he threw in a party dress for She-Hulk’s special occasions. For once, Walters cannot wait to appear in public as She-Hulk because she knows she’ll look goooood.
Sadly, She-Hulk looks too good for her high school friend, Lulu, who is also the bride. Lulu doesn’t want anyone outshining her at the wedding. Lulu (not so politely) asks for “regular Jen” at the wedding. The two women awkwardly hug, and then Lulu kinda half-smiles/half-grimaces as she walks away.
I don’t think Lulu likes Jen. But, then again, maybe I’m wrong. Jen notices an uneven number of groomsmen for the bridesmaids. Lulu reveals that Jen will escort Jonathan down the aisle. The other bridesmaids indicate they love him. Did Lulu play matchmaker? Probably not.

Source: Marvel Studios
My money is on a three-year-old ring bearer. However, I’m wrong. We learn in a few minutes Jonathan is an elderly dog that they resuscitated that morning. Why is Jen even at this wedding? The answer reveals itself as Jen keeps getting the clean-up assignments like picking up outside.
Apparently, half the staff has quit because they cannot stand Lulu. Actress Patti Harrison really nails this role as a passive-aggressive bridezilla. She-Hulk deserves a ton of credit for its casting. All the supporting players have clear ideas about their purpose and have drilled their scenes.
That’s usually a credit to the director and showrunner, too. She-Hulk is a high-quality program.
Meet The Immortal

Source: Marvel Studios
Do you remember Selina’s horrible ex-husband on Veep? He appears on She-Hulk this week as The Immortal. I’m not saying this actor is typecast, but he’s playing an eerily similar role. It seems that The Immortal’s secret power involves surviving his own death.
As the episode shows, The Immortal can jump out a window, plummet several stories, crash into a car, and die. Then, after a few seconds, he revives, and his wounds heal.
That’s an incredible ability, right? So how does the Immortal use his powers? He seduces women and men, marries them, and then “dies” to get out of the relationship.

Source: Marvel Studios
Nikki and Mallory find the dude appalling. Even better, his cynical marital behavior meshes perfectly with the main plot of an obviously doomed marriage. Ain’t nobody gonna stay with Lulu for more than a few years. The Immortal would jump out a window to escape her before the honeymoon ended.
Anyway, the spouses are suing because The Immortal is rich. Of course, as widows and widowers, they’re the inheritors in his will…but he wants that money, too! After all, he’s still alive! This dude is super-sleazy, and everyone hates him, especially his legal representation.
I’ll skip ahead and tie up this story. First, the Immortal agrees to split much of his wealth among his spouses.

Source: Marvel Studios
However, the exes cannot agree on a fair split. One was married to him for many years, while another suffered less time but had a child. Another simply wants eye contact for 15 seconds and an apology, which The Immortal finds interminably long.
Ultimately, Nikki’s ability to connect with everyone saves the day. She works out deals that satisfy all the unhappy spouses. The only person who dislikes the deal is The Immortal, which proves that karma is real.
Catty Behavior at a Wedding?! What???

Source: Marvel Studios
Hey, you’ll never guess who earned a wedding invite from Lulu! Titania is dating someone who had a plus one for this event. Humorously, Jen, a member of the wedding party, did not. Anyway, Titania figures out who needs a date and goes out with the guy just for this moment.
Titania wants to torture Jen emotionally and maybe even physically for winning the She-Hulk lawsuit in the previous episode. Jen recognizes this immediately, but she’s the only one. Lulu thinks she sounds insane for even suggesting that Titania would do such a thing.
For her part, Titania belittles Jen for thinking everything is about her…even though it is. Titania is totally there for revenge. Not everything goes badly for Jen, though. She meets a nice, awkward gentleman named Josh, and they hit it off.

Source: Marvel Studios
Of course, Lulu interrupts to assign Jen more chores. So She-Hulk is basically unpaid labor at this wedding. Seriously, always say no to a bridesmaid gig!
Eventually, Jen decides to drink a lot – Lulu obviously has a cash bar – and flirts more with Josh. He seems to like Jen and isn’t averse to the idea of She-Hulk, either. Josh may be a keeper. It’ll have to wait, though.
Wedding Showdown

Source: Marvel Studios
In her non-Hulk form, Jen cannot drink excessively without repercussions. So, she rushes outside to vomit. Titania follows her and picks a fight. Of course, since Jen is drunk, it’s incredibly one-sided. But, to her credit, Titania doesn’t want to pick on a normie.
So, Jen “greens up” and turns into She-Hulk. The two women wreck the place as they fight. This seems like a good time to mention that Jen’s (other) cousin is deejaying the event. He screams, “WE GOT A WEDDING FIGHT!” This moment is big fun, as is the rest of the scene.
Titania is once again no match for She-Hulk, who smashes her mouth. While trying to counterattack, Titania falls on her face and breaks her veneers. She’s now an entry in the Big Book of British Smiles. It looks like this:
Lulu walks in just after Titania runs out. Surprisingly, she’s thrilled to see She-Hulk. She…may be a bit tipsy, too. Anyway, She-Hulk has wiped the floor with Titania twice and survived a wedding to boot.
Jen should be on top of the world. Sadly, Nikki ruins it, though. She calls and leaves a voicemail that an entire social media site exists because of her. This Reddit-like organization is Intelligencia, a name that intrigues Marvel fans. In the comics, they’re a group of Hulk foes who join forces against him.
One of them is The Thinker, who we know is returning to the MCU soon. So, the final three episodes of She-Hulk will likely establish the Intelligencia as formidable enemies. This was another great episode from a consistently entertaining series.

Source: Marvel Studios
I am disappointed that we had to wait (at least) a week for the promised Daredevil appearance, though.