‘Deadpool’ Creator Rob Liefeld Talks ‘Deadpool 3’ Announcement
He is among the most popular Marvel heroes in the history of the publication, as Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld talks about the Deadpool 3 announcement and his meetings with Disney about what it could be.
There are few characters in the current landscape of comic book films that have made a connection with the audience in the way that Deadpool has.

Source: Marvel
The merc with a mouth has developed that special connection through his two, highly successful films that truly showcase the absolute riot that the character can be.
A hero who has long been a fan favorite, Wade Wilson is as unique a comic book creation as you’ll ever see; the hilarious, ultra-violent, fourth-wall-breaking entity is among comics cult heroes.

Source: Marve/ Fox
With the character’s recent third installment announced by Ryan Reynolds, and it revealed that Hugh Jackman would be returning as Wolverine for the film, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld talked with the Phase Zero Podcast about that Deadpool 3 announcement.
Liefeld stated, “So I had a meeting with Disney and they were picking my brain about what I wanted. And Brandon, I’m so happy that I have that email because I followed it up saying, ‘I’m going to put this in writing.’ And [in the meeting] I said, ‘look, what everybody wants is Hugh- Wolverine, Ryan- Deadpool, that’s it.'”

Source: Fox/ Marvel
“I said, ‘This can be as big as Endgame.'” Liefeld continued, “I just went there because why not, why not just go big right?”
Liefeld added, “The day after the Disney meeting I had an industry friend, this is how crazy it is, an industry friend who has never been wrong and is quite powerful in the entertainment business, I cannot reveal the source. But he calls me and says, ‘Dude, Hugh has signed on, Wolverine is back.'”
The writer concluded, “And I’m like, ‘Oh crap’ because I’m like, ‘this is it!’ I knew when they wanted to film and kind of where the production was aiming, and all that information seem to be right on target. But nobody knew about when they were going to announce it right?”

Source: Marvel/ Fox