‘Werewolf by Night’ REVIEW
It was the perfect way for Marvel to kick off the Spookiest time of the year, but there is no debate that what they’ve achieved certainly transcends an MCU Halloween Special; this is our Werewolf by Night REVIEW.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe, over the last decade, has evolved and grown to become one of the biggest enterprises that the film industry has ever seen.

Source: Marvel Studios
Throughout that period, there have been 29 films, and a plethora of streaming series, it is only natural for the truly transcendent entries to be few and further in between.
But it is that distinction that is the only one that feels fitting for the most recent MCU project to be released; Werewolf by Night.

Source: Marvel Studios
Acting as the true proof of concept for a new format for Marvel Studios, Werewolf by Night is the perfect example of Marvel’s commitment to telling the perfect story for any given character.
The introduction of Jack Russell and Elsa Bloodstone wouldn’t have worked as well as a film- with the characters being just a tad too obscure- and wouldn’t have worked as well as a streaming series- with it eventually fading behind the constant string of titles that release every few months.

Source: Marvel Strudios
But it was the perfect story for a short form special presentation that allowed it to embrace its desires, intentions, and artistic value in what was a brilliant execution of filmmaking.
The performances were tremendous- specifically, Jack and Elsa, who certainly made the case for becoming MCU mainstays, with Verussa being the brilliant villainous presence to make it all work- but where the project truly shines in its artistic direction.

Source: Marvel Studios
Michale Giacchino wasn’t just good, he wasn’t just great, he was absolutely phenomenal; but most importantly he crafted a story that was uniquely his own, as there are few directors willing to take those risks, or able to make them work the way that he did.
This is the MCU, so there will be clamorings for these characters to return or for the sacred art of continuity to come into play, but perhaps the greatest aspect of Werewolf by Night, is whether or not this story returns in the future, it is perfect for what it is.

Source: Marvel Studios
Werewolf by Night is as charming, daring, violent, and creative as anything Marvel has ever done.