What Are the Best MCU Disney+ Titles According to Fans?
A couple of times recently, I’ve offered my thoughts on various MCU projects during the Disney+ era.
However, my opinions are rarely with the majority on…pretty much anything. So, I’m taking a different approach today instead.

Source: Marvel Studios
Here is how the fans and critics rank the Phase Four MCU titles on Disney+.

Source: Marvel Studios
I want to explain my methodology in advance. First, I’m using Rotten Tomatoes as my primary grading system.
IMDb and Metacritic have proven susceptible to review bombing from weirdos who have nothing better to do with their time.
While Rotten Tomatoes can suffer that fate, it’s better about cleaning up the garbage after the fact.

Source: Marvel Studios
I’ll also lean more on the Average Audience Score because that data represents more people than the Average Tomatometer. Still, I’ll use the latter for tiebreakers.
Under this guidance, what shines through is how good the Disney+ series have been thus far. Like, it’s shocking how high these grades are overall.
9) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Source: Marvel Studios
Let’s start with the LOWEST grade according to Rotten Tomatoes, which is an 83 percent Average Audience Score.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TFAWS) suffered the most due to COVID-19. A significant story arc required re-writing and filming to account for a changed world.

Source: Marvel Studios
As such, some of the plots and characters make less sense than they would have. Yet, despite these frustrations, audiences generally like and admire the series.
The chemistry between Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson has charmed us all. Critics also rank TFAWS at 84 percent, solidifying that it’s a good show.
8) Moon Knight

Source: Marvel Studios
People are taking these Marvel series for granted, and I say this with confidence.
My data support is that the second-lowest (!) graded series is Moon Knight. What is its grade? 90 percent.
When eight out of nine kids in the class are getting A’s, it’s a good group.

Source: Marvel Studios
Personally, I wouldn’t rank Moon Knight that high. It’s remarkably ambitious in scope and execution. However, it’s also a slog at times.
Still, Oscar Isaac, Ethan Hawke, and May Calamawy are all exceptional in their roles. So, I get the love.
7) She-Hulk

Source: Marvel Studios
Remember how I said Rotten Tomatoes is great about postgame clean-up? She-Hulk only recently ended, so that hasn’t happened yet.
Unfortunately, all those strange creepers on the internet have review-bombed what is an exceptional show.
So, my choices here were either to exclude it from the list or take a different approach. I’m not letting those nutjobs win.

Source: Marvel Studios
As such, I’m using the Average Tomatometer grade alone for She-Hulk. It’s currently at a dazzling 87 percent, which means professional critics adore it.
I won’t lie. I do, too. This show and two others we’ll discuss have proven that Marvel superheroines are where it’s at in 2022.
6) WandaVision

Photo: Marvel Studios
I’ll say what we’re all thinking. Anyone who doesn’t like WandaVision is WRONG.
Apparently, I’m discussing nine percent of audiences and 12 percent of average viewers.
WandaVision’s 91 percent and 88 percent scores look good on paper, but they vastly undersell the excellent nature of this program. It’s the best in the MCU.
So, ranking it sixth out of nine makes me want to HULK SMASH a lot of voters.
t-4) Hawkeye
Notably, Hawkeye and WandaVision share eerily similar scores. Part of it stems from the fact that we’re already in rare air here.
Hawkeye is a massively successful project with an Average Tomatometer of 92 percent and an Average Audience Score of 90 percent.

Photo: Disney+
In fact, this title exemplifies the underlying point of this article. The median MCU title on Disney+ grades as a 92/90!
We’re getting a LOT of spectacular Marvel content for the affordable price of a Disney+ subscription.
t-4) Loki

Source: Marvel Studios
Okay, I had to go to an arbitrary third tiebreaker on this one.
Loki also grades as a 92/90 on Rotten Tomatoes. So, I grudgingly gritted my teeth and went to IMDb. This outcome surprised me.
After all, a female Loki factors heavily into the plot of the series. For this reason, I expected a review bomb.

Alligator Loki. Photo: Marvel
Instead, Hawkeye only claims a 7.5 grade here, while Loki possesses an 8.2. As such, the female Hawkeye appears to have annoyed incels more.
By the way, while I was there, I went ahead and checked She-Hulk. It scores 5.0 out of 10.
Dear angry nerds: it’s okay to like shows that have women in them.
3) Werewolf by Night

Source: Marvel Studios
Director Michael Giacchino has modernized the classic horror genre with this tribute to monster movies of yore. And The Wizard of Oz bits deserve high praise as well.
Currently, Werewolf by Night stands at 93 percent fresh among audiences, while 91 percent of critics like it as well.

Source: Marvel Studios
Frankly, those other nine percent of critics should find a new line of work.
If you don’t enjoy Werewolf by Night, you’ve lost your sense of wonder and need to go searching for it.
2) What If…?

Photo: Disney+
I haven’t gone back and reviewed my What If…? grades from last year. However, what I remember is that I really liked three and actively disliked two.
Once the supergroup assembled for the final two episodes, I deeply admired the story, as did Marvel. After all, Evil Dr. Strange later appeared in a movie.
Still, I wouldn’t rank What If…? toward the bottom of the MCU series on Disney+ thus far. We haven’t had many shows with “bad” episodes, much less multiple ones.

Infinity Ultron. Photo: Marvel Studios
In my (minority) opinion, that’s what happened with What If…? The internet strongly disagrees with this assessment, though.
What If…? has claimed an audience grade of 93 percent and an even better critical score of 94 percent.
Realistically, I think that’s fair because I gave the series a modest thumbs up as well. Mine just wasn’t as emphatic as most.
1) Ms. Marvel

Source: Marvel Studios
Here’s another instance where I had to downgrade the audience score. Ms. Marvel only finished a couple of months ago.
Rotten Tomatoes doesn’t appear to do its clean-up for at least six months.
As such, the hate-voting has kept the title at 80 percent, which is obviously an inaccurate assessment.

Source: Marvel Studios
So, I used the Tomatometer here instead. And it’s glowing!
Ms. Marvel currently holds a 97 percent grade on Rotten Tomatoes. I’m halfway tempted to call out the three percent who voted against it, too.
However, that’s not possible as I type this due to a site error that won’t show specifics.

Marvel Team-Up (2019) #1-6 by Eve Ewing (writer), Clint McElroy (writer), Ig Guara (artist), Moy R (artist), Joey Vasquez (artist), and Anna Rud (cover artist). Photo: Marvel
Those audience comments remain visible, though, and…woof! Dudes, you’re never gonna get girlfriends (or boyfriends) if this is the way you talk on the internet.

Source: Marvel Studios
All joking aside, Ms. Marvel is fun, ambitious, and surprisingly pure and innocent. It’s everything that MCU stories should aspire to be.
For these reasons, I’m not the least bit surprised that it’s the best-received of all MCU titles on Disney+ to date.