Let’s Talk about Agatha All Along Episode 1-4
When we last saw the Coven of Chaos, they had just finished their first trial on the Witches’ Road.
Also, one of them was dead. And that’s where we begin this week’s episode, with Agatha Harkness trying to figure out who Sharon is.

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Let’s talk about Agatha All Along episode 1-4, the one with THE Green Witch.
Ever Feel Replaceable?

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While Agatha is slow on the uptake, it turns out that Sharon is Mrs. Davis, the kindly woman from down the street.
Not only is Sharon super-duper dead, but she’s also turning a strange color.

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A befuddled Agatha stares at the corpse. Just for a moment, I think something human like an emotion may come out of her.
That would be ridiculous, though. No, Agatha simply says, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

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Then, she immediately debates how best to proceed. Her new coven needs a Green Witch.
Otherwise, the group cannot pass the test for the Green Witch portion.

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Actually, I’m misstating this a bit. The other members of the coven worry about it. Agatha is more surprised than anything.
So, I suspect we haven’t seen the last of Mrs. Davis, whose mysteries have yet to be revealed.

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Agatha is acting like she considered her counterpart immortal, although I may be reading too much into that.
The other witches demand answers, which leads Agatha to respond with this delightful piece of dialogue:

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“Mrs. Hart was a bad draft pick, okay?” I’ve never loved her more than I do at this moment.
While The Teen and Alice dig the witch’s grave, Agatha decides to replace the Green Witch by summoning another.

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You can probably guess where this is going. Yup, we’re about to have a Rio Vidal sighting.
In the very spot where they’d dug the grave, Vidal appears thanks to a summoning spell by the witches.
The House on the Hill

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During this discussion, we also learn that only one other witch “left the Road” with Agatha last time.
You could interpret this to mean only one joined her on the quest, but I believe it’s the darker take that just two witches survived.

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That causes me to wonder whether Rio Vidal was the other, although that may be a bit too obvious.
We do get some clues about who she is, though. When the witches cast the spell, they make personal requests.

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Lilia Calderu asks that she be “strong and wise, and the best at her craft.”
Agatha’s more humorous request is that “she be smart and not annoying…and also not super political.” How wise.

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Jennifer Kale wants a hottie, and Alice simply wants the new coven member to bring them some Advil.
My wife has pointed out that Vidal is an anagram of Advil, and the character fits all the other traits as well.

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When asked whether she’s a Green Witch, Vidal’s voice roars that she is THE Green Witch. So, there’s that.
The other coven members debate whether they’re more scared of her or hot for her. It’s a little of both.

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After a time, they notice a house on the hill, with the path pointing toward it.
Alice sees it and quickly turns around. As the others try to persuade her to approach the house, they realize it’s now on the other side.

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So, they’re going to that house no matter what, and what happens when they do is hysterical.
The coven transforms into a 1970s band. There’s an intentional Fleetwood Mac vibe here, although any music group from the era would work.

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Folks, this is Almost Famous. Does anybody remember laughter?
The Second Quest

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The women embrace their Ziggy Stardust era before The Teen starts playing a bit of music.
He has noticed an album cover that says, “Play me.” So, he does. It may be important that he has found both challenges thus far.

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Meanwhile, Agatha and Vidal start flirting, with the implication that they were once a couple.
Vidal wants to know Agatha’s angle, which causes the latter witch to play a clever trick.

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Agatha catches Vidal on a hot mic as she describes her intention to betray the rest.
Now, the other witches are on the scary rather than hot side of the debate.

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Meanwhile, something odd happens again with the Divination Witch.
Lilia asks Alice whether she’s wispy or kooky. Alice replies a little of both, but Lilia’s not really there.

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She’s clearly elsewhere in time before she recognizes her fellow coven member. That snaps Lilia from her trance. She warns Alice, “Don’t.”
As I said last week, this is clearly foreshadowing for the Divination Trial, but that’s not this week.

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No, this one is the Protection Witch’s Trial, and we quickly learn the backstory.
Alice is carrying scars on her shoulder that symbolize her family’s curse, only it proves to be literal.

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There’s a demon that has scarred her family for generations, and now it’s also cutting up the members of the coven. They’ve been cursed.
A metronome starts ticking, indicating that the trial has started…and this one rocks!

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The coven must perform a song. Otherwise, they’ll burst into flames.
We realize this when Lilia starts smoking. Alice quickly casts a protection spell, which causes Kale to quip that she wants one.

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That, too, is foreshadowing, as Kale begins smoking soon afterward. Alice’s protection spell once again protects her.
The Ballad of the Witches’ Road

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The women realize they wanna rock if they want to live. In a way, they’re trapped in Alice’s nightmare, as we learn more about her mother, Lorna.
Apparently, Lorna’s musical act served a hidden purpose. She was performing concerts to walk the road. Her fans were her coven.

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Since she failed, Alice now carries the curse, and the only way to break it is to…rock out.
So, the women grab an industry and turn into Josie and the Pussycats. Hey! It was a 1970s series!

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From there, the story is wildly entertaining but quite straightforward.
Alice must overcome her own fears about the invisible monster that’s been haunting her all her life.

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As the women improve their musical performance, that entity, a winged demon, attains physical form.
At this moment, Alice experiences a newfound sense of hope as she realizes she can kill it while it’s tangible.

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Agatha deduces that the song itself is a protection spell, one that Lorna used to save Alice.
The house catches fire in several locations as they reach the bridge of the song, and the demon flies over to attack Alice.

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The Protection Witch punctuates her mother’s lyrics by singing the final one, “I’ll see you at the end.” That’s foreshadowing, too.
More pertinent for the moment, Alice sings the attacking demon into a fiery demise. The metronome immediately stops ticking.

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The witches have completed the second trial. But there may be another body count.
Shrapnel impales The Teen just before they return to the Witches’ Road.

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Back in the forest, Agatha pleads for ideas as she grows decidedly maternal.
Mystery of the Black Heart

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At one point in an earlier episode, Vidal describes herself as having a black heart.
During other conversations, the storyline raises the possibility that she’s some sort of reaper or the like.

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Vidal apparently gains power by collecting bodies, which is why she liked Agatha back in the day.
Agatha would drain witches of their power, and then Rio would claim their bodies.

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We can interpret the meaning of those words in many ways – and social media definitely is – but there’s a more pressing issue.
Vidal watches with interest as The Teen clings to life. Agatha realizes her ex wants the kid’s body. She flatly states, “Don’t.”

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A non-committal Vidal shrugs, surprised by Agatha’s humanity. Then, the Potions Witch remembers a cure. And it works.
The episode ends with Agatha and Vidal speaking privately. Agatha is ready for the conversation to turn romantic.

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Before that can happen, an otherwise willing Vidal pointedly tells Agatha that The Teen isn’t her son.
As the other members of the coven bond, these two demonstrate that they still have feelings for one another…but there’s a wall between them.

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The other potentially important moment is that Agatha pointedly tells The Teen that she didn’t cast the sigil on him.
Then, she adds that she wouldn’t remember it anyway. Part of the spell causes the caster to forget that they did it.

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More and more, I’m starting to believe that The Teen’s identity ties back to WandaVision. I think this is Billy, one of the twins.
And that would also make him a magic user named…Wiccan.
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